
Saturday, January 20, 2018

In My Mailbox #324

This week have been all kinds of busy. My new niece arrived night to Tuesday, and I have been spending a little time with her each day. Eee. She's tiny and so perfect. I'm also still in a lot of pain all the time, so I haven't felt like doing much else. And so I haven't read at all this week, not since last weekend. Ack. But planning on picking up a new book tonight :D Fingers crossed. Just a bit exhausted all the time. But I did see Jumanji today, and it was awesome. I also got SO MUCH great mail this week, eee :D I'm in love with all of it. <3 Sniffs. So happy. Despite not reading much, I did end up with a lot of blog posts this week. Yay for that. I posted my review of Nightbooks :) I took part in the Batman: Nightwalker blog tour. <3 I posted my review of The Prince and the Dressmaker; which I read at the end of July :D This week I'm waiting on Iron Tide Rising. <3 Then I shared the cover reveal for The Hollow of Fear :D So anyway. This week was good. Baby Sophia is the cutest thing, and I love spending time with her. So I am a bit distracted too. But hoping to read more as well :) Soonish, haha. So thrilled with all the precious mail I got this week. Eee.

Batman. Both finished copies have arrived :D I love them so. Adored this book. Gorgeous hardcovers.
Unearthed. Yay! Finally got my hardcover of this most stunning and awesome book. Loved it oh so much.
The Cruel Prince. Ack, I'm really hoping that I will love this book :) It looks and sounds so so awesome.
Starfall. I still have to read this second book, ack, but soonish. Had to have this new paperback, though.
The Fallen Kingdom. Yay! UK smaller paperback is out. It is gorgeous. Sigh. I must read this final book.
Furyborn. EEE! I'm dying. SO HAPPY :D AHH! Final cover ARC! MY PRECIOUS! Loved this book so much. Love Claire. Love this ARC. Ahh. Thank you so, so much to the lovely publisher for this precious thing. <3 And thank you to Becky for helping so that I could get it to Norway, eee. I AM SO SO HAPPY.
Shadow Weaver + Devils Unto Dust + Ice Wolves + Reign of the Fallen + Tess of the Road + Night of Cake and Puppets. EEE! Thank you SO much God of Wax for trading all of these with me :D Ahh. I'm dying a little. They all look perfect. So much gorgeous. And thank you Becky for helping me get them. <3
The Becoming of Noah Shaw ARC + Unearthed Swag. Eee! Thank you so so much for trading with me Whitney :D I am so so so happy about all of this. <3 Sniffs. ARC is gorgeous. And the swag is stunning.
Shadow Scale. When I finished my re-read, I could not resist buying these gorgeous foreign covers :D
Tangled. I still can't resist buying these lovely tv-show books. <3 A bit behind on the show; but love it so.
Onyx & Ivory Bookmarks. Eee! Thank you so so much Mindee :D These bookmarks are so so gorgeous.
Plush. I couldn't resist buying this most gorgeous pink plush bird :D Adorable. I have a huge plush love.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Is that your niece in the photo? Wow she's sooo adorable! I love the name Sophia, too. That fuzzy chicken is too cute! I have a weakness for little stuffed animals. Hope you get some reading time in, Carina! :)

  2. Oooo, that leftmost Batman copy is amazing! I love it. Is that your niece? She is precious! I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. A new baby niece, aw that's so exciting. Congrats to you and your sister, sweetie. She is beautiful♥ Eee, I see Unearthed there! I need to get a copy--just trying decide whether to splurge for the PageHabit annotated edition LOL.


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