
Saturday, January 6, 2018

In My Mailbox #322

I can't decide what to feel about this week. I read a great book, which was awesome. I got some pretty mail, which I love. But my health still sucks the very most. I had my hospital visit yesterday, supposed to get another medicine. But I got antibiotics instead, as I had to take an x-ray of my lungs. They found out that I have pneumonia. How rude. So now on a ten day cure, hoping that will help. Trying new medicine, hopefully, later this month. Fingers crossed. And really hoping these pills will make me feel better again. Hmph. But I'm trying to stay positive. Just wish I could stop feeling pain all the time. Still. I'm doing good. Hoping to read a lot more this year :D Fingers crossed. Also blogged a little bit this week. <3 Shared my Best Books of 2017 :D This week I'm waiting on Nightbooks. <3 I shared my review of Onyx & Ivory :D Yay. I'm also waiting on some awesome books to arrive this month, and gosh, how I am excited. Eeee :)

Middle-Earth. EEE. I could not resist buying this huuuge expensive thing :D IT IS GORGEOUS. Love.
Pop Figures. Final black friday figures finally arrived, yay :D More Stranger Things. Moana from Ebay :D
The Girl From Everywhere + The Ship Beyond Time. I have yet to read these, and I want to, so got them.
Gray Wolf Island. I could not resist buying this book. As I have heard great things. Please be awesome.

Onyx & Ivory. Eee! I had to get this via EW this week :D And already read it. And enjoyed it very much.
The Young Queens. Yesss. I cannot wait to read this short story this month :D I am beyond excited for it.

More Instagram photos here. <3

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I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)