
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cover Reveal: Umbertouched by Livia Blackburne

I'm so excited to be sharing the gorgeous cover for Umbertouched today. It's the sequel to Rosemarked, and also the final book. <3 This stunning thing is coming out on November 6th :D Which feels like forever until. Hmph. It's not yet possible to pre-order the book, but hopefully soon :D I hope you are all planning on reading this one. I know I am. And oh gosh, I simply love the cover for Umbertouched. It is stunning :D My favorite is Rosemarked, because of the pink, but this new cover is so lovely too. What do you think?

Livia is also having an aaamazing international giveaway of her books, signed. Enter that one here. <3

The mission was a failure. Even though Zivah and Dineas discovered a secret that could bring down the empire, their information is useless without proof. Now, with their cover blown and their quest abandoned, their only remaining hope is to get home before Ampara brings the full might of its armies against their peoples.

As Shidadi and Dara alike prepare for war, Zivah and Dineas grapple with the toll of their time in the capital. After fighting alongside the Amparans against his own kin, can Dineas convince the Shidadi—and himself—where his loyalties lie? After betraying her healer’s vows in Sehmar City, can Zivah find a way to redeem herself—especially when the Dara ask her to do the unthinkable? And after reluctantly falling in love, what will the two do with their lingering feelings, now that the Dineas from Sehmar City is gone forever? Time is running out for all of them, but especially Zivah whose plague symptoms surface once again. Now, she must decide how she’ll define the life she has left.

Together, healer and warrior must find the courage to save their people, expose the truth, and face the devastating consequences headed their way.

1 comment:

  1. I love this cover! Both covers are amazing. Hopefully Umbertouched will be just as great as Rosemarked!

    Have a lovely weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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