
Saturday, December 23, 2017

In My Mailbox #320

This week have been pretty busy and pretty exhausting too. Haven't had much time for reading, as the days are going by so fast. I'm blaming the holidays. Spending a lot of time with family these days. Loving that, though. But still going to read at least two more books this year :D Already halfway done with one of those, so yay. I will make it to 100 books read this year then. Pleased with that. Didn't get much mail this week, but still in love with all of it. Will be getting some amazing books in January, and I cannot wait. <3 So excited. Health still sucks the most, and I'm not doing the best. But trying to stay positive. Ugh. Also, my laptop that turned dead in the beginning of November, which could not be fixed, and I got my money back, and then had to pay for back up of my files, and then had to wait for that. Well. I finally got the back up in the mail yesterday. Yesss. And it seems like all my files are on it :D I am feeling very happy about this. I mean, it took forever and ever, but finally got all my files back. Yay. Have been pretty heartbroken without all my things for so long. Hmph. But now it's back. So feeling a bit more happy about life at the moment. Even despite my shitty health. Also, it is Christmas :D EEE! I am very happy about Christmas; always :D Have bought lots of presents for my family, and I'm excited for them to open everything. So yeah. Mostly had a good week :) Gah. Forgot about sharing my blog posts for this week. <3 I shared the gorgeous cover for Furyborn :D Eee. And posted my review of Tokoyo, The Samurai's Daughter. This week I'm waiting on Reclaiming Shilo Snow :) Sharing my Best Re-Reads of 2017 post tomorrow. <3

The Book of Dust. Eee, thank you so much to the awesome Norwegian publisher for this :D So gorgeous.
A Darker Shade of Magic. Finally got my third edition; the regular US collector's version :D It's so pretty.
Your Name. I have seen so many love this one; hope I will too. Will be watching it in English, though :D
Rapunzel's World. I know. I own so many Tangled books. I can't help it. Love the movie+show. So lovely.
Christmas Card. Thank you so much Beth for this gorgeous Christmas card. <3 You are the best. Hugs.
Shadow Weaver Swag. YAY! Thank you so much MarcyKate for this amazing pre-order offer :D Love it.
Supernatural. Eee, I'm in love with this awesome Castiel plush. And some other very lovely things too :D
Pop Figures. The last of my Thor figures :D They are so so lovely. And a bit Harry Potter too. Love these.

More Instagram photos here. <3

1 comment:

  1. The special edition of A Darker Shade of Magic is beautiful. *.* I wanted Werewolf Lupin funko so much, but I couldn't find it anywhere...


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