
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Best Re-Reads of 2017

I could not resist doing a best re-reads post this year. Because I re-read more five star books this year then I read new ones. Ack. I'm going to have read 100 books this year, which I am super excited about, and 29 of those have been re-reads. Oh. I simply couldn't resist re-reading all of these lovely books. A lot of them so that I could read the next books in the series. And others just because I loved them so. Always going to be re-reading a lot of stunning books. Though I hope I will read a lot of amazing new books next year too. Fingers crossed. My Best Books of 2017 post will be up in one week. Ended up sharing the best 21 re-reads that I did this year. They are not in the right order, with how much I love them, as I love them all so so so much. And I loved re-reading these books so much. They are all so awesome. I have re-read more books that I love too, but not including them all. If you have still not read these yet, then get moving.

My Goodreads Challenge. My Goodreads Year in Books.

1. The Golden Compass. The beginning of this epic trilogy will never fail to be amazing. Love it tons.
2. The Subtle Knife. Gosh, getting to meet Will all over again is just the best feeling. Love these kids.
3. The Amber Spyglass. This ending will always kill me. And this book will always be the very best one.

4. Graceling. Katsa and Po are my favorite couple. I will always and forever love this book so so much.
5. Fire. The world in this story is beyond amazing. I adore Fire and Brigan more than I can say. So good.
6. Bitterblue. This is the saddest one of the three, yet still all kinds of perfect. I love these characters so.

7. The Scorpio Races. Eight time read, and can never get enough of this book. It's simply beyond lovely.
8. The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. The book that started my love for Claire. Such a good story.
9. The Year of Shadows. This book is sad, fun and all kinds of amazing. Adore these characters so much.

10. The School for Good and Evil. Love the beginning of this so amazing series more than I can say.
11. A World Without Princes. This second book makes me hurt a lot, yet it's so good, and I love it so.
12. The Last Ever After. Best almost-final book. The romance ruined me. I love Agatha so very much.

13. Seraphina. This book about dragons is all kinds of stunning. Full of heart and such an amazing story.
14. Shadow Scale. Love this second book a whole bunch. Romance is small, yet it is still so very good.
15. The Forgetting. This book is a huge favorite of mine. Best romance. And such an amazing story too.

16. The Map to Everywhere. Been nearly a year since this re-read. Almost time for another go. Excited.
17. City of Thirst. I simply adore this amazing middle grade series. It is heartbreaking, fun and so good.
18. Lady Midnight. This book will always break my heart. But these characters will always be my favorite.

19. Three Dark Crowns. These three queens are fierce and brutal and I love them more than I can say.
20. Menagerie. This book is all kinds of heartbreaking. Yet I can't help but love it so. Amazing characters.
21. Nevernight. Despite my feelings for book two, I love this first book so much. Tric is the best character.



  1. I love The Scorpio Races. Puck and Sean are one of mine OTPs. <3 And Corr? Loved him so much!!! This book is all kind of perfection.

    Hopefully, in 2018, I'll find the time to read Menagerie. Its premise is so intriguing and I adore Rachel Vincent's writing.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  2. Rereading is good for the soul! I've reread a lot of adult romance novels, but not many YA books. I still need to reread Michelle Hodkin's books before reading The Becoming of Noah Shaw. :O Happy (re)reading, Carina!

    Happy holidays. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. I thought the Scorpio Races was a great re-read, too! Kristen Cashore's books were wonderful as well. Great picks here, Carina! :)


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