
Saturday, November 25, 2017

In My Mailbox #316

I have been pretty behind on things this week. I just have not had the energy at all. Not to read, not to catch up. Just done nothing, most of the time. I got a new medicine at the hospital on Tuesday, but I am not feeling any better at all, because this new medicine might take up to 14 weeks before it begins to work. Ahhh. I am not pleased. But it was the only one that might have any effect at all. But yeah. It sucks. Because I am still in pain, all the time. But yeah, hoping the medicine might start working sooner. Fingers crossed. Besides this, I have been a bit lazy too. Just haven't felt like doing anything. I will start reading a book today. Then start reading more. I hope, at least :D My pictures from now on will be a bit darker, with light from inside, as the sun is now gone here for many weeks. How rude. But it's almost Christmas now, eee. I'm super excited. Because I didn't do much this week, I also didn't blog much. But I did post twice, so yay for that. I shared my review of Renegades :D Which I loved. This week I'm waiting on Everless. <3 I also got the most awesome mail this week. A bunch of books that I have traded for. Eeee. Cost me a lot of money, gosh, but worth it. They all look GORGEOUS. I'm dying a little. So so so happy with them all.

Giveaway over at Instagram: Win a Nevernight Bookmark set. Enter here.

Taylor Swift. Yesss. My gorgeous magazines+cd has arrived :D They look gorgeous. Love the songs.
Supernatural Coloring Book. Another Supernatural coloring book :D Yesss. Love this show so much.
Frozen. I couldn't resist buying this cute coloring book. Super excited about the new Frozen short movie.
Hotel Transylvania. I adore these movies so so much. And I cannot wait for the third one next year. Yess.
One Dark Throne. Finally got the international paperback version of this :D Collection almost complete.
47 Meters Down. I loved this movie. Ordered in September; but didn't get shipped until now. Hmph.
Taylor Swift: Reputation. Also got a regular CD version of this soundtrack :D I love it so so much. Sigh.
Pop Figures + Plush. Yay for Snow White :D Adorable. And eee, new Bukowski plush. It's so so precious.
Rosemarked + Invictus + Unearthed + The Map to Everywhere + City of Thirst. Ahhh :D Thank you so much God of Wax for trading these books with me. And to Becky, for helping me get them to Norway. Eee. I am dying. They all look SO PERFECT. I have read and enjoyed them all; love that I now own all.
Tess of the Road. EEE! Thank you so much for trading this with me Kelly :D I am dying. It's so perfect.
All Our Yesterdays + Here Lies Daniel Tate + Deception + Deliverance + Daughter of the Siren Queen + Vengeance Road + The Raven Boys ARC Box + Reign the Earth. Oh my god. I am dying of amazing books :D Eee. Thank you so, so much for trading with me Kelly :D I'm so happy. They are all so perfect. Ahh. So happy to add them all to my collections, eee. I already have a Raven Boys ARC, so I am thrilled with this box :D And gosh. Just all of these ARCs. I'm dying. Love them so so much. Thank you Kelly. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Hope the new medicine helps and you feel better. Looks like you traded for some fun stuff! Enjoy!

  2. Oh no! I hope the meds kick in soon. Having to wait to feel better is the worst...

  3. Hope you feel better soon.

    Happy readings, Carina.
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  4. What a great haul! Looks like things worked out with that trade with Kelly. I'm glad you got everything safe and sound. :D Hopefully that new medicine kicks in faster than expected! I'm always thinking of you, Carina!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Hope that the medications work. I'm waiting for Everless too. Hope you get some reading in soon.

  6. Thank you for sharing! Have a nice reading.


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