
Thursday, October 5, 2017

Review: The Last Ever After by Soman Chainani

This book is simply all kinds of perfect. It's my favorite of all the books so far. But it is also the one that ruins my heart the most. Getting past those first four hundred pages is always a bit hard. I mean, the book is perfection on every page, but oh gosh, that beginning ruins me every time. So perfect. This is my third read.

And I cannot wait to read book four in a little while, finally. Eee. It's going to be so good. But first, this third book. I can't get over how good it is. And how much it destroys me at the same time. Oh. The ending is all kinds of perfect. Yet sad too. I loved every moment of this book. Getting to the ending was a struggle. Ack.

There is so much that I love about this book. I'm not going to mention all of it this time, just talking a little about this precious thing. Like how the writing is perfect, and that I adore Soman. Cannot wait to read more and more books by him. This book is once again mostly from the point of view of Agatha and Sophie. But a few other characters are mentioned too, and I loved that. Reading about Agatha is still my favorite thing, though. Because this girl is everything. And she grows a whole lot in this book. She's always been amazing, and she just gets more and more awesome for each page. Agatha has the biggest heart. Which is why this book hurts me so much. Because I do not want Agatha to be in pain. And she is hurt very much in this book. Hmph.

There is so much happening in this book. Not going to share all of it. But wishing to talk about it a little. Agatha and Tedros has been in at her home for a couple of weeks now. They are trapped, because the villagers wish to kill her. They are arguing a lot. And that just broke my heart. But totally understood it. Then they are able to go back to the fairy tale woods. And that heartbreaking thing that happened right before that broke my heart and I wish it had been more in focus. It was so sad and cruel and ahh. Rude.

Half of this book is about Agatha and Tedros wishing to have Sophie back in their lives, as they miss their friend. But things don't go all that well once they get her back. And gosh, how I hated what Sophie did to Agatha. How she treated her. How she was okay with treating her like that. I'm not happy with Sophie at all. Hmph. I liked her ending a lot, sure, but I'm so angry with this girl too. Hmph. But anyway. I was also a bit angry with Tedros. Felt like he should have been more understanding at times, and more with Agatha.

The other half is about war. As Sophie is with the evil school master. And he wants to take over everyone, getting rid of good forever. And oh, how everything is complicated. And I loved every moment. I just wish there wasn't quite so much Agatha and Tedros heartbreak. Ahh. But then they also had the very very best scenes too, and I loved those like crazy. And I love all the other characters too, like Hort and the witches. They are the very best. Sigh. Kind of, maybe, liking the friendship of Agatha and Sophie. But only maybe.

There is so much that I could say about The Last Ever After. But I'm not going to. Already said a bunch. And not nearly enough at the same time. I love every part of this book. Even though more than half of it ruins my heart. Can barely take reading it. But I always survive it. And the book is always worth it. The characters are all just amazing to read about. The world is so exciting and fun and oh how I can't wait to read more about all of it. More of these precious characters. I'm so excited for all of the upcoming books.

This is a book worth reading. This is a book worth reading a bunch of times. Which I have now done. And which you all need to do as well. These books are awesome. And this third one the best. A lot of secrets came out. Like the story about Sophie's mother. That story still kills me with how extremely awesome and horrible it was. And learning more about Tedros too is always fun. And more of Agatha, always. This third book has a good ending. But I'm thrilled that Soman is writing more, because I need it, badly. So excited.

I'm so glad that I'm currently re-reading these amazing books again. Because they are perfection. And they mean so much to me. The story is so good. The characters are so amazing. I just love everything about these books. Tomorrow I'll re-read The Ever Never Handbook, and I'm so excited for that. Then finally book four. I'm nervous. Because I have peeked a little, lol. But I'm also the most excited to read it. Because I know it is going to be so good. Sigh. I only wish that book five and six were out already too.

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