
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Review: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

This is my third time reading this one. First read it late December 2012, and then in early January 2013. And both times I loved it like crazy. It was a huge favorite book of mine. I was so excited to read it again now, sure that I would love it the same way. But oh. I did not. And I'm really not sure how to feel about all of this.

I have read four books by John these past weeks. Three of them were two stars. And now this one will be a three star. And it's just breaking my heart. Because I really loved it those years ago. But I did not feel the same way this time. Not at all. But I do still hope and think that I'll love his newest book, the one that is out today.

Well, I'm crossing my fingers that I will love it. I'm starting to think that books by John Green are not for me. Ugh. Because I have read them all, despite it being some years since I read Looking for Alaska, but yeah, that was a two star too. And just. I am not okay with not liking his books. I really thought I would love this book, considering I loved it twice before. But I didn't. I still cried at certain moments. I found some scenes to be so beautiful. But I also found most of the book to be boring. And I really did not like the writing at all. And that was such a bummer, because I thought I had loved this writing when I read the book last. Sigh. But then again, that was many years ago. But still, I really didn't think my feelings had changed that much. Ack. But they had.

I'm going to try not to be too negative in this review of mine. But it's going to be hard too, because, well, I really wanted to love it. Hmph. And I really didn't love it this time around. And this is why I do not like re-reading books that I read and loved years ago, because my taste have changed, and I'm so much more picky about writing in books. But even so. This should have been amazing for me. Ugh. And I can't even blame it on the genre, as I have read some from this genre that I did love. But yes. Not this, not this time.

This book is told from the point of view of sixteen year old Hazel. She has cancer, and has been sick for over three years. She knows she will die one day soonish, but don't know when. She's doing her best to deal with it. Her parents are pretty upset all the time, but they were all kinds of loving, and I loved that a bunch. And I did like reading about Hazel. She was pretty great. I liked getting to know her. Just did not care that much for the writing, and so having her point of view was a bit boring at the same time too. Ugh.

While Hazel is going to Cancer Support Group, she meets a new boy. Augustus. And while I remember loving this boy like crazy before, I wasn't able to love him this time. Mostly because nothing that exciting happened. I didn't find certain things romantic. I didn't care much for the things they did together, as they didn't really do anything together. But even so, I did love getting to know Augustus. He simply was not as awesome this time around. Hmph. I'm disappointed. Still, he was cute. I liked his friend, Isaac, a lot too.

This book is about Hazel knowing she'll die, and Augustus being healed from cancer a while ago, and them slowly falling in love. And about Hazel's favorite book, and how she wishes to meet the author, and how Augustus makes this happen for her. I loved him for that. But she felt really ungrateful to me. And so rude at times. And I did not approve at all. Also, the romance was pretty crappy. Takes more than half the book to get the first kiss. I just, I wanted and was expecting much more romance. A bit disappointing. Aw.

I have already written much more about this book then I thought I would be able to. So yay for that. But not going to write more about the plot now. Just that with the whole author thing, and them meeting him, and he turning out to be really awful, well, I kind of know that feeling. I haven't met anyone, just via email. Still, I loved that Hazel was such a fangirl. I don't have cancer, but I have tons of other chronic diseases, and so I know pain, and it fully and totally sucks. So this book did hurt a little. I felt so sorry for them all.

I'm not even brave enough to read my old reviews of this book. Ah. Mostly because I wrote my reviews differently years ago, but also because back then I really loved this book. And I do not want to read my thoughts about it, about how much I loved it. Because I didn't this time. And I'm still upset and sad about it. It just wasn't possible for me to love this book this time. Sigh. I mean, it was still heartbreaking. I'm still so so angry about the person that died near the end. But that was mostly all I cared about. Disappointing.

Big thank you to Penguin Random House International for letting me take part in this very awesome John Green read along. And for sending me this stunning paperback box set of his books. I am deeply sorry for not liking any of the books that I read. Gosh. Still not sure how that's possible. But either way, I'm glad to have taken part in this read along. I'm glad I have all of these books a try. But yes, they were not for me. Even so, though, I know that there are tons of people who love books by John. So do give this one a try.

1 comment:

  1. I love Fault in Our stars. But I don't like any of his other books.


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