
Monday, October 30, 2017

Review: Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library by Jessica Haight & Stephanie Robinson

As with book one, this story was a fast and easy read. I wish I could say that I loved this book, but oh, I did not. I feel a little disappointed about it. It just ended up not being a book for me. Aw. I'm giving this one two stars, and I will try my best to mention most of my reasons for why I'm giving it that. It was a pretty short book, and fast to read.

I think that the main reason for why I had issues with this book was the writing. I didn't connect with the characters at all. And I found it all to be so boring. Which is a depressing thing to feel when reading a middle grade mystery book. I didn't like that just about every time Lizzy spoke, she only spoke the same words all the time. Annoying.

Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library takes place just one week after book one. Can't help but mention that I wish it had taken place a bit later than that, as I feel like Fairday and Lizzie still hadn't had a chance to get to know Marcus at all. Yet they are now supposed to be best friends. I sadly didn't feel any of these friendships. They did not really talk together or really do anything. Sure, they are solving a new mystery, but it was not exciting to read about for me. I really wish I had felt their friendship more, because if I had loved their relationship together, I think I would have loved this book too. But I did not. Sigh. One thing I really did love about the book, though, was Fairday's dog, Auntie Em. She was adorable. Sadly didn't think her family was interesting, though. A bit depressing.

I'm not sure what I wish to share about this book. I don't think I will write too much about this book at the moment. Simply because it was pretty fast to read, and I didn't feel like much happened, so there really isn't much I can share about it. I'm giving it two stars because while I did not like this book, I also did not hate it. It wasn't horrible. I liked some parts of the story, like Fairday's cute dog. And her house was a bit interesting too. But sadly, for the most part, I kind of disliked all of it. Found it to be boring. Not exciting.

Will talk a little bit about the story in this book. Fairday and her two friends are finding clues about a new mystery in her house. Words from famous books have gone missing. They end up finding a secret place, where they find the Talking Library. Where they learn that there is a bookworm on the loose, eating words from books. I wish I could say that it was exciting to read about, but I didn't think so at all. The writing kept me from being engaged in the story and the characters. I do wish, though, that I had enjoyed it a bit more.

Overall, I am glad that I decided to give these two books a chance. As I do adore the authors, and I have followed their blog for years. They are both adorable, and I love their riddle blog posts. They are always so much fun. Sadly, though, this book just was not for me. I didn't hate it, but I also didn't like it much at all. I do think that a lot of other people might end up loving this book, but for me it just wasn't possible. I liked the drawings inside the book, though they were a lot different from book one. Still, both were pretty.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear not much happened. At least you liked the dog! :) Great honest review, Carina! :)


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