
Saturday, October 28, 2017

In My Mailbox #312

This week have been pretty exhausting. My spa bath had to be taken down on Sunday, which I'm so sad about, because I love my 40c baths outside the most. But it's too cold in the winter, and so now it has to be down until May. Ugh. And then there was my hospital visit on Tuesday and Wednesday. It was pretty awful. That thing I had to get down my nose hurt so goddamn much in my throat all the time, but survived it. And survived the check up on Wednesday too. But it was pretty horrible. Aw. Hate these Morbus Crohn checks. And then I learned that my entire colon has inflammations. And now I'm taking prednisolone for the next three weeks, then hopefully going to start a different medicine, and hoping it will make me better. But ahh, I'm worried about the pills I have to take. So, so many side effects. The new medicine will have that too. And I just, I don't want to get sicker. I really don't. But I need my medicine, badly. Ugh. My body sucks at the moment. But hoping it will get better. Also so behind on certain things, as I have zero energy right now. I blogged a bit this week too. I shared my review of The Amber Spyglass. <3 And I shared a launch day post for Fairday Morrow and the Talking Library :) This week I'm waiting on My Plain Jane :D And then I shared my review of The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage. <3 Eee. I also got a lot of stunning mail this week. Yesss. I'm SO thrilled with all of it :D Ahh. But ugh, I'm also waiting on two packages that were supposed to arrive early this week, but they did not, just hoping they will get here next week. Hmph. Either way, so excited to get them all. Despite my really crappy health, and slow reading at the moment, my week was pretty good. I'm so thrilled to have re-read His Dark Materials, and have read the new book.

Six Years of Blogging: Book of Choice. International. Ends 10/31.

The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage. Eee, special Waterstones signed edition :D It's huge and beautiful.
His Dark Materials. New UK paperback covers. <3 They are so pretty. Sigh. Love these books the most.
The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage. US and UK audio book versions :D I had to own them. So lovely.
The Language of Thorns. The gorgeous international paperback edition :D Always hard to buy it, though.
Turtles All the Way Down. Finally got my copy from Amazon :D Hoping I will end up liking this one.. ahh.
One Dark Throne. Eee, Taiwan edition :D More below. Arrived so fast. And so worth it. It's so beautiful.
Quests for Glory. International paperback edition :D And wrong audiobook edition, sobs.. but still pretty.
Pop Figures. Gandalf, Will and Wonder Woman. Waiting on lots more too, ahh. They are all so gorgeous.
All the Crooked Saints. Eee! Thank you so much for trading with me Erica :D Love! And buttons! Ahhh.
Before She Ignites Swag. Another set of this gorgeous swag. <3 Thank you Jodi. It is all so so stunning.
Super Mario Odyssey. Eeee. New game :D I'm testing it today. And I am so excited. Please be awesome.
Bukowski Plush. Eee, had to share about this lovely thing, hih. I love these plushes so much. Adorable.
Turtles All the Way Down. Yesss. Thank you PRH Global for this amazing win :D Gorgeous t-shirt + pin.

Swag Trade. EEE! Thank you Sheyna for trading with me :D I'm dying. It is all beyond gorgeous. Love.
One Dark Throne. Eee, look how gorgeous the cover underneath is :D And artcards in the back. LOVE.
The Becoming of Noah Shaw. Ahh. I requested this over 100 days ago, just got declined. Hmph. Won't read it, though, sadly, as I'm re-reading the other three books first, and don't have time for that just yet.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awww, I'm sorry you've got a new issue (in terms of your colon). That sounds terrible. :/ But yay for spa bath???

    So you got Noah Shaw! YAY! I'm reading it next week... I keep pushing it off. I'm sure it will be fine but I really want to reread the others first.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Have a wonderful weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues, Carina! I'm happy you're a blogger and a reader so at least you take your mind off your immediate problems here and there. Some day I hope we all will be able to brush off health problems for good! :)

    Bummer on getting denied Noah Shaw! I quit that series after the first book. It wasn't for me.

    I hope you enjoy All the Crooked Saints. :)


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