
Saturday, October 21, 2017

In My Mailbox #311

I'm currently re-reading His Dark Materials, finally, and it's making me the happiest. Yesss. My fourth read, but been more than two and half years since my last read already. Gosh. But finally reading them now, and still loving them the same way, and it makes me so happy. Yay. But that is the only good part of my week. Sigh. Because my health is seriously the worst at the moment and it is just about all that I can focus on. I'm behind on a lot of things. And won't be able to catch up just yet either, because I have no energy at all. All I do all day is sit still and sleep and nap and trying to eat, if I can manage. And then I read when I'm able to, which isn't that many hours each day. Oh, and I use my iPhone all the time, but that's just about all I'm able to do these days. Aw. I'm hoping they will be able to help me after my awful hospital visit this coming week. Fingers crossed. But anyway. I got some lovely mail this week, and I love it all. <3 And I blogged a little too. I shared my review of The Golden Compass :D This week I'm waiting on Wires and Nerve 2. <3 Then shared my review of The Subtle Knife. <3 So anyway. I'm not doing the best at all. But trying to stay positive, hoping the hospital might finally help a bit, and trying to slowly catch up and read more. Might take me some time, but will get there one day :) Well, I hope so. So tired of pain.

His Dark Materials. Finally got the right set :D From amazon. Newest paperback editions. It's so perfect.
The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage. YESSSS. First of my copies have arrived :D Reading in a few days.
All the Crooked Saints. I couldn't resist ordering another UK paperback to get this bookplate, hih. Love it.
The Silver Mask. These UK paperbacks are so stunning. So pretty. Must read book three and four soon.
Miraculous Ladybug. This tv-show is still the best, and I'm just waiting for season two to come this year.
The Evaporation of Sofi Snow Tote Bag. YAY! Thank you TNZ Fiction for this so lovely pre-order gift :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The new paperback editions of His Dark Materials are gorgeous. *.*

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  2. Waaaahhh, I'm sorry you're not doing better in terms of your health, Carina. :/ Here's hoping the worst is here only because getting better is just around the corner. I am always keeping you in my prayers. <3

    Have a great weekend! Happy reading. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Aw, sweeties--I hope your health is looking up so! I know that is not fun to be completely sapped of energy by an illness. :( Big hugs, and sending you healing thoughts!

    Oh, I love that tote! And so glad to hear you are enjoying the Dark Materials series just as much this time around. Its been years for me too but I do remember loving it.

    Take care, lovely! ♥

  4. I'm so sorry that your health hasn't been that great Carina, I really hope it gets better after your latest hospital appointment. But on a positive note, you have some amazing books to read! I hope you have a great week! :)

  5. I haven't heard the greatest things about Maggie Steifvater's newest. I hope you love it and I look forward to your reactions, Carina! :)

  6. Fun books and I love your Halloween decor. :) Sending hugs and wishes for better health to come your way.

  7. I have never read His Dark Materials, but I did like the first movie and the story, so I should pick it up :)


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