
Saturday, October 7, 2017

In My Mailbox #309

I have been busy reading all week. Ack :D It's been awesome. I have re-read the first books in The School for Good and Evil series. <3 And have started book four, finally, today :D Eee. I'm so excited. But it also means that I haven't yet re-read The Fault in Our Stars, which was supposed to be this week, and ahhh. I'm behind. Won't read it until Monday or Tuesday. Aw. Will share my instagram photo and twitter post tomorrow, despite not reading it just yet. <3 Anyway. I have been reading a lot this week. But I'm not feeling any better. Instead, I'm just feeling worse. Health sucks big time. Stomach is such a bitch. And I have fever almost every night, and so I wake up many times a week soaked in sweat. Yuck. Which I'm not used to. Sigh. Had a hospital meeting this week, but only a talk with a stupid doctor, so nothing new. Have to do that awful test of my stomach thingy later in October, and I'm not looking forward to it at all. Sniffs. But hopefully they will then be able to give me a different medicine. But sort of doubt it, as they aren't being helpful at all. Ugh. Anyway. I read a bunch this week. And I got a lot of stunning mail. Eeee. So so many perfect books. Yesss. And I also blogged a lot, well, a lot of reviews, that is. Ahh. I need to make other blog posts too. Just not sure what to share about. Aw. And feeling like no one cares about my blog either, as I have so few views and comments. But some of you lovely people still do comment :D And that means the most to me. Thank you. <3 Anyway. Shared my fourth review of The School for Good and Evil :D And fourth review of A World Without Princes. <3 This week I'm waiting on Last Star Burning. Shared my third review of The Last Ever After :D And second review of The Ever Never Handbook. <3 Yeah. My health is the worst lately. But trying to stay positive. But winter coming soon too, and I hate that.

Predator vs. Prey. I did enjoy the first book last year a lot, so I'm curious about this sequel :D Love Lisa.
Ally. I liked Nemesis a whole bunch, so I'm crossing all my fingers that I will love this final book too. <3
The Secret Files of Fairday Morrow. I got an ARC of book two, so had to buy book one :D I'm curious.
United. Finally got the new paperback version too :D Collection complete! Eee. Haven't read it yet, ack.
The Trials of Apollo. Couldn't resist owning the paperback too. Have all the books. Must read it soonish.
Lady Midnight. The new lovely US paperback edition :D Love it so. And it has the most stunning spine.
Quests for Glory + Before She Ignites. AHHH! Thank you Soman & Jodi & Blue Willow Bookshop for these glorious personalized books + swag :D See picture of the signed parts and the swag here. Love.
Quests for Glory + Shadow and Bone. Eee! Thank you so much Becky for getting me these :) So happy.
Three Dark Crowns. EEE! Taiwan edition :D Couldn't resist buying. Second cover on it ;) Sharing on IG.
Renegades. Ahh! Thank you so so much Em for trading this with me :D It's so stunning. Love it the most.
Harry Potter Pop. Eee. The new ones are finally arriving. Doesn't they just look gorgeous? I love them so.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Wow so many amazing books and other things. Lucky you :-)

  2. I hope you start feeling better Carina. <3 Also, I think it has been a few slow weeks on the blogshpere, so anytime soon views and comments will increase again. :)

    Amazing haul. The Taiwan cover of "The Dark Crowns" is so pretty.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  3. Glad you're reading so much. Sorry that you aren't feeling better. I know what you mean about followers too. It's a constant struggle to keep finding people who like to stop by regularly.

  4. Glad to hear you enjoyed your re-read of The School of Good and Evil. Hope you love book four! I hope you feel better soon, Carina! Happy reading! :)

  5. I'm so sorry you aren't feeling better, Carina. :/ It's so frustrating when medical professionals can't help/aren't helping like you would hope. Especially when there is a ton of money involved - they had better come up with a good solution. Hang in there!

    You got some great books! I still need to get a copy of United. I like the Soman swag. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fantastic week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  6. Wow! What a haul!!

    Hope you feel better soon <3

  7. Aw. I hope you'll feel better soon. You seem to be sick a lot. Poor thing. <3

    Happy reading, anyway.


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