
Saturday, September 23, 2017

In My Mailbox #307

This week went by pretty fast. Kind of. I'm exhausted all the time and still not doing any better at all health wise. Nothing to do, until next hospital visit in October. How rude. But yeah. Exhausted all the time, and days are going by so fast. Still doing my daily two hours spa bath outside, and it is the best. Yesss. But gosh damn it. It's getting colder out, and in October sometime it has to be taken down. Sniffs. Anyway. I finished the book I was reading last saturday, and then I read two more books this week. Feeling happy about this, as I'm reading a lot more right now then I did some months ago. Yay. So a few blog posts this week. I shared my review of Beyond a Darkened Shore :D Then I shared my review of Invictus. <3 This week I'm waiting on Dreadful Young Ladies and Other Stories :) Then shared my review of Paper Towns. Hmph. I also watched the Paper Towns movie. Hahaha. It was complete trash. Maaaany differences from the book. Like, I hated the book. I hated the movie even more. Didn't think it was possible. Ugh. Anyway. I got a bit of stunning mail this week, eee, and I'm so happy with it all. <3 But gosh, my current reading list is beyond huge o.O But so excited to read every book on my list. Sigh. Just need time to get it done :D

Jane, Unlimited. Ahhhh. Hardcovers :D Gorgeous. Must read it soon. If I dare. I'm nervous. So excited.
One Dark Throne. Yay for finished hardcover version :D Eee, I loved this book oh so much. So so pretty.
Godsgrave. Collection is growing more :D Yay. This is the regular UK paperback version. It's so pretty.
Odd & True. Second hardcover have arrived, yay. Got the wrong book another time o.O Love this book.
Fairday Morrow. Lovely ARC :D Thank you to the awesome authors for sending me this. <3 I'm excited.
One Dark Throne. Eee, look at this gorgeous UK paperback edition :D Isn't it just so pretty? Loved this.
Once Upon a Time in the North. Ahh, new paperback version of this gorgeous book. I love it so so much.
Lord of the Rings. Eee, lovely Sam pop figure :D Getting the rest of them too, soon. He looks awesome.

Tess of the Road. AHHHH! I AM SO EXCITED. Thank you lovely publisher at Netgalley :D Can't wait.
The Traitor Prince. EEE! Yesss! It finally showed up on Edelweiss :D Starting it today. Beyond excited.
Renegades + Wires and Nerve 2 Swag. YAY! Thank you lovely Ravenous Reader girls for this win. <3
Swag Trade. Eee, thank you so much Lis for trading with me :D Ahh, His Dark Materials swag. <3 Love.
Retribution Rails Pre-Order Swag. Eee, thank you so much Erin for this lovely swag pack. <3 I love it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. You got so many wonderful books this week. So jealous of "The Traitor Prince" e-ARC. Can't wait to read your opinion.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    Halloween Book Bingo

  2. Another great haul Carina, I of course am hugely jealous of you Marissa Meyer swag and the spa baths that you get to have!! I hope you have a great week, especially health-wise!

  3. Glad you're at least reading more. Awesome that you got The Traitor Prince. Hope you have a better week reading-wise


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