
Saturday, September 16, 2017

In My Mailbox #306

This week has been slightly better, I think. My health still sucks, but no new big bump at the moment, only small regular ones, so yay for that at least. Sigh. But yes. Medicine not working at all, which is highly annoying, especially when doctors are no help. Rude. But yeah. I have read two books this week, and finishing my third later today :D Yay. I have gotten some gorgeous mail. But have SO LITTLE room left :( Dying. Dying. Dying. Sigh. And have also spent way too much money lately. Gosh. But yeah, I'm happy with everything that I have bought, lol. Also at least halfway done buying christmas presents, so I'm good with that too. Anyway. A few new blog posts this week. I shared my book recommendation of The Year of Shadows. <3 Love this book so. This week I'm waiting on La Belle Sauvage :D Then I shared my review of An Abundance of Katherines :) Which I did not like at all. How rude. But yeah. I had a good week, even with my health being always shitty. But ugh, autumn is arriving so fast here. So cold, all the time. Hate it.

Godsgrave. The Waterstones special edition and the regular UK hardcover edition :D Both gorgeous.
Wonder Woman. That is the same as W, but from BookDepo, and had signed bookplate too. What. Rude.
Wonder Woman. More WW, hih :D The UK paperback edition and the audiobook. They are both perfect.
Before She Ignites. This hardcover is all kinds of pretty. Didn't love the book, but I liked it. Plus, gorgeous.
Warcross. Oh, this is a stunning finished copy. Yesss. US hardcover and UK paperback versions. Love.
Blood For Blood. The new gorgeous US paperback version. Loved this evil book. + Short story included.
Like a River Glorious. Eeee. I love this series so so much. And US paperback is so tiny and so so pretty.
The Midnight Heir. I still haven't read the Magnus Bane stories, aaack. But soon. This tiny thing is lovely.
Odd & True. One of two copies arrived. Loved this book. And the hardcover is so so gorgeous. Love it.
Rapunzel and the Lost Lagoon. Couldn't resist buying these new Tangled books, eee. Looks adorable.
Here Lies Daniel Tate + The Glass Spare. Eee! Thank you for trading with me Becca :D I love these so.
Lyra's Oxford. Eee. New paperback version :D SO pretty. But damaged too, so hope I can get a new one.
Harry Potter. Eee. I bought presents, and couldn't resist getting another letter opener. Ahh. It's so pretty.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I enjoyed WarCross a lot. You got some amazing looking books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. So bummed I was not able to get that copy of Wonder Woman. It's so pretty.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  3. Wonder Woman looks awesome, and I just started Warcross. Can't wait to get further into it!

    That Viking longboat (?) is amazing

  4. I'm sorry that you're still not feeling better Carina, but at least you have some great books to look forward to! I can't wait to get a copy of Warcross! I hope you have a great week!

  5. Glad you're feeling at least a little better. Hope you get to where you feel really good soon. Awesome that you got Marie Lu's new book.

  6. OMG so many great books! <3 Warcross. I've seen the UK hardcover has this gorgeous naked hardcover, wonder if the US is the same?

  7. I would love to go to your mailbox. So many amazing goodies! WOW! I am jealous. :) I hope the doctors get your medicine right soon. Sending hugs and healthy wishes.


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