
Saturday, September 9, 2017

In My Mailbox #305

Well. I don't know how to describe this week. I only read one book. I am so behind on everything. I have not done anything else, to be honest. I'm just exhausted and hurting and tired all the damn time. And I got my medicine again on Wednesday. So far no difference at all. Which means it's still not working. And the doctor at the hospital was no help at all. Just continue with same medicine. Didn't care about my allergic reactions, or that I'm still so so so ill all the time, that the medicine doesn't work. No offer to change it, or anything else. Sigh. Tired of people not helping me with my diseases. Tired of being in pain all the time. Still hoping the medicine might work, but I doubt it. So yeah. Just trying to make the best of everything. But it's hard to be so exhausted all the time and so behind and no energy for anything. But I'm trying to do more. It will just happen a bit slow, that's all. So yeah. Not the best week. But I'm happy, despite all this. I do love my life. And I love the mail that I get. Eee. Just wish I wasn't sick. Hmph. Anyway. Since I only read one book this week I also haven't blogged much. This week I'm waiting on Fragments of the Lost :D I took part in The Adventurer's Guide to Dragons blog tour :) And I shared my review of Rosemarked. Aw. I'm hoping to read more this coming week, as there are tons of books I have to read soon, and I'm excited about them :D Just need the energy to do so. Hmph. At least I got a bunch of pretty mail this week :D Oh. And I also watched 47 Meters Down at the cinema. Scary + I liked it a lot. Have you seen it? Thoughts?

The Golden Compass. The complete graphic novel :D Eee. Love this book so. Will read this one day too.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer. The gorgeous signed Waterstones edition :D Yess. I love it so. So pretty.
Godsgrave. The first of my pre-orders have arrived; the regular US hardcover edition :D Big + gorgeous.
A Conspiracy in Belgravia. I adored this book a bunch, and the finished paperback version is so stunning.
Tangled. Two pretty new Tangled books :D Eee. I love them. And oh, I adore the new animated series.
Godsgrave Poster Sampler. Eeee! Thank you so, so much Donna for sending me this one. <3 Love it so.
Sampler Trade. Thank you so much for trading with me Beth :D Ahh, Book of Dust sampler. <3 LOVE IT.
Victoria Schwab Books. Eee! In love with my signed and personalized copies :D Thank you to Parnassus Books for letting me order these and getting them signed for me :D Thank you Victoria too. <3 Love them.

The Book of Dust Pin. Ack! Totally forgot to include this beauty. Thank you The BookSeller :D SO HAPPY.
Beyond a Darkened Shore. I couldn't resist getting this one from Edelweiss. Eee. I'm so curious about it.
Ice Wolves. Yesss. I needed this one from Edelweiss so badly :D I think and hope I'll love it so so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ah, Carina! I hope you feel better! That completely sucks when doctors are not really helpful. :( It's encouraging that you're still happy even with all of your health issues! It helps to have a positive outlook even when you feel like hell. I'm sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs over your way!

    I haven't seen 47 Meters Down, but if that's 47 meters down in the ocean, that's pretty scary! I'll have to run off and check it out. :)

  2. Handling chronic health challenges like you have is a daily challenge. Sorry this has been a bad health week but your attitude toward life is inspiring. Glad you got some book deliveries to make you happy.

  3. Great haul! I also got my Watersone's Wonder Woman and Godsgrave! I'm so excited to read Godsgrave, it's my next HC read!

    I hope you have a great week!

    Thanks for sharing,
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  4. Hope you feel better soon. Fantastic haul. Can't wait to read the wonder woman book.


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