
Saturday, August 5, 2017

In My Mailbox #300

This week have gone by so fast. Went on a roadtrip Monday morning, to Oulu, Finland, and arrived back home late Thursday. It was all kinds of exhausting for me, but I had a good mini vacation. Bought lots of snacks, lol, and got to bath a lot in the hotel pool area. It was a fun family thingy. But right now I'm just thrilled to be back home again, yesss. Because yesterday I got my first spa bath after fifteen days without out. It was perfection. So excited to be back to this daily thing, lol. Because my newest wound have finally stopped hurting. It's much smaller, but still not fully healed, but no pain, so yay. But my stomach is being a bitch, though, ugh. So just waiting for more medicine next week. Only blogged twice this week; as I have been gone all week long, and haven't been able to read. But I did read a graphic novel on Sunday, so yay. Posted my preview review of The Prince and the Dressmaker. <3 And this week I'm waiting on The Cruel Prince :) Also got a bit of mail this week too :D Not many books.. aw. But getting something gorgeous next week, I hope, eee, and I'm excited. <3 Love what I did get this week, though. All gorgeous. Anyway. Health is a bit bad lately, but wound is healed, so yay. Going to start my re-read of Nevernight today, ahh. I'm still not ready for Godsgrave. Ugh. Don't want it :\ But will do my best to read it. Hmph. Hope it won't be as bad as I think it will be. Ahh. Anyway. This week was pretty good :D Yay for spa bath.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. Lovely US paperback edition :D I must read these stories soon.
The Steep & Thorny Way. I loved this book so so much. And ahh, new paperback cover :D It's stunning.
Beauty and the Beast. Finally own this movie :D Which means that I can finally watch it. Ahh. Soon :D
Plushes + Cat. Couldn't resist getting these while in Finland, lol. Cute plushes. And gorgeous cat. Love.
Pop Figures. Ahhh. I bought three in Finland, the rest from a new shop I found, where I ordered some of the Comic Con special ones :D Eee. Can't wait for those to arrive in around a month. And oh, all of these are so gorgeous. Special ones that I haven't been able to find elsewhere. Very expensive.. but worth it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


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  2. I was so amazed when I saw you pic on Instagram!! He really looks like he's enjoying his run! :D
    Ah, I just saw that new Steep and Thorny Way cover...I love it!

  3. Your Funko Pop collection is so neat! I never really got into Funko Pops but I have the BB-8 one... so cute! I love it.

    That moose is super cool! Great shot there. :D

    Happy 300th mail haul post! Have a lovely week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Good to see that you're healing along nicely (again). :) More cutesy Funko Pop Vinyls! <3 Hope you enjoy, Carina!


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