
Saturday, July 15, 2017

In My Mailbox #297

This week have been good and bad. Health is sort of okay; just got my regular medicine this Thursday, so hoping to feel lots better in a short time. Just dreading next Friday, as that is surgery day, and it shall be awful. Ahh. I hope healing doesn't take more than a few days. Oh, I'm worried about it. Sigh. Got some gorgeous mail this week, though :D Yay. Some is still missing, as the mail didn't arrive on Friday, not sure why, hmph. Rude. But next week it will get here, so yay. I also read two books this week. Re-read of The Forgetting. <3 My precious. Loved it so. But didn't love the companion book, sobs. Reading more this coming week; though the sun is finally coming back, after this whole week with rain and cold. So will be spending a lot of time outside. Yay. Didn't blog that much this week, but still a few posts. Posted my Book Recommendation of The Forgetting. <3 This week I'm waiting on Quests for Glory :D 300th post. Yay. And then I posted my review of The Knowing :) I also went to the cinema twice this week; I saw the new Spider Man, which was awesome, yet a bit boring too. But love the actors/characters. Especially Tony and Pepper. Eee. Then I saw Despicable Me 3, which was adorable. Loved it. Anyway. Good week :)

Because You Love To Hate Me. Yay both editions :D I cannot wait to read these stories. So so so excited.
The Savage Dawn. Curious to know how this trilogy ends :) Enjoyed book one, disliked book two. Ahh.
Now I Rise. Still so sad that I didn't like this book much. Sobs. But still. This UK edition of it is so pretty.
Blood For Blood. New UK paperback edition of this lovely thing. Adored this heartbreaking book so much.
Lyra's Oxford. Lovely new CD audiobook of this short stunning tale :D Must have all the new editions, hih.
7 ARCs. Oh god. Ahhh :D This was the best package. <3 Eee. Thank you so so much for trading with my Bridget :D You are amazing. I love these so, so much. Eee, I now have ARCs of Ashes + Shadows + Monster; the whole trilogy. <3 And ahh, both Traitor ARCs :D So so happy. And now I own every ARC by Lish too, and oh, I love them. So much. These books are all precious. Love all my ARCs the most. Eee.

Invictus. Eee! Managed to get this one from Netgalley :D And I am so so excited about it. Wishing for the print ARC too, though. <3 But will be reading this one soonish, and I cannot wait for it. Just hoping that I will love it lots.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Pyromantic looks so good. I want to read that one!

    Happy reading, hun!

  2. I loved Because You Love to Hate Me! There are so many great stories in the anthology - all of them are pretty good (some are amazing though). I'll be thinking of and praying for you this week!

    Have a lovely weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. Oh my, at first glance, I thought your bath was filled with ice! xD I hope your new meds will help you feel a lot better, sweetie! I'll keep you in my thoughts!
    So many pretty books this week! I hope you enjoy them all!

  4. I thought the water was ice too. Glad you are feeling better and hope the surgery goes well. Hope you feel better soon. And glad you got some reading in this week. Me too, but not YA.

  5. Because You Love to Hate Me! <3 :DD That is all.

    Cass @ Words on Paper


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