
Saturday, July 8, 2017

In My Mailbox #296

This week have been pretty awesome. Yesss. I got the most amazing mail this whole week. Sigh. I'm so happy. Books via trade. Books via publishers. Books via friends. Oh, I'm so so happy. <3 They are all perfect :D Ahh. I have been bathing in my spa bath a lot lately, and I love it so much. Sigh. Finally able to do this every day, lol. Just nervous about my surgery on the 21st. Worried the doctor will make it so that I cannot bathe for weeks. He better not. Hmph. Anyway. My health hasn't been fully perfect this week. My new abscess got bigger and I had to murder it myself. Thankfully, that helped, and the pain went away. Still not fully healed, but lots better, and no need to see a doctor about it. Sigh. So happy about that. So yeah, feeling a bit better now :) Just hoping I don't get another one. Ugh. How I hate having Morbus Crohn. It's the worst. Anyway. I read two books this week, one a bit meh, one I loved. Had hoped to read more, but took me days to read these. Have so little time to read lately, and I am so tired all the time. But trying my best. And reading lots more this coming week. Got so many books I'm dying about reading, eee.  Blogged a little bit. I shared the covers for La Belle Sauvage. <3 Yess. And posted my review of Before She Ignites :) This week I'm waiting on The Dragon's Curse :D And I posted my review of Wonder Woman: Warbringer. <3 Yess. I also finally got to see the new Wonder Woman movie at the cinema this week :D Yesss. I loved it tons. Just, oh, so much stunning mail this week. I now have tons to read :D Yay.

Serafina. I have only read book one, which I liked a lot, and excited about reading book two and three.
Our Chemical Hearts. This book was an accident; ordered for someone else, but used my own address.
Nevernight. Eee, this new UK paperback edition is so gorgeous. Love this book so so much. Stunning.
Lyra's Oxford. New gorgeous hardcover version of this book. Such a short story.. but so perfect. Love.
Mulan/Merida book. Cute little book with two awesome looking stories. I adore Mulan and Merida both.
Lord of Shadows Chapter Samplers. Eee, thank you so much Sabrina for trading with me :D I love these.
Godsgrave. Ahh, thank you so much HarperVoyager UK for this perfect ARC copy :D Can't wait to read.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer + A Poison Dark And Drowning. Thank you so much Penguin Random House International for these two stunning ARCs :D Ahh. They are gorgeous. I loved WW oh so much.
The Falconer. Oh gosh, thank you so much Lena for sending me this one :D So so so happy. Love it tons.
Flashtide. Ahh :D Thank you the most for trading with me Angel. <3 Dying to read this one. So so happy.
Heartless. Eee! Dying. Thank you so so so much Donna for sending me this precious thing. <3 Love it so.
The Golden Compass + The Knowing. Ahh! Thank you Kaitlyn for trading with me :D Dying of happiness.
Odd & True Swag. Such a stunning swag pack win :D Eee. I can't wait to read this book. <3 Love these.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ahhh Godsgrave! You're so lucky. :)

    Sorry I've been away. Trying to get back on the saddle again.

  2. Lovely post!

    I gave your blog a follow, and I would truly appreciate it if you could check out my book reviews blog located at and possibly give it a follow as well! Looking forward to reading more of your reviews!

    - El

  3. Slaaaaay! You got so much awesome this week! I'm so happy that you finally got your Penguin books, and Flashtide and The Knowing. You read books publishing months away a lot sooner than I do but maybe sometime we can do a buddy read for one of our mutuals. =) I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Yay! Glad you are getting to use your spa regularly.

    Looks like you got a lot of great treats in your mailbox this week. I have been wanting to read the Serafina series. :)

    Have a great week!

  5. OMG Carina, so jelly! So many great books!!! :D I think I'm most excited for Warbringer, and your review just ^^^^ the excitement to the roof! Hope you enjoy!!!


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