
Saturday, June 17, 2017

In My Mailbox #293

Finally got medicine this week. Yesss. So I think I'm finally going to feel a bit better. <3 My wound still hasn't closed, but it's aaalmost there now, yess. But, goddamn it. I was waiting for a surgery appointment, to get rid of this thread thingy, and they told me yesterday that it would be July 21st. I was upset about waiting three weeks over time, sigh, but couldn't change it. Then the note with the date came, and it says Wednesday, June 21st. Ahh. And that is just days away. Now I'm even more stressed. Especially since some places it says that I cannot bath for weeks after this surgery.. goddamn it. I hope that isn't true. Sigh. Please let it be so that I can finally take up my spa bath next weekend. Please. Hmph. Anyway. I did have a good week, though :) Got some stunning mail. <3 And read a bit too :D Nothing since Wednesday, as I'm a bit stressed, but hoping to read later today. I posted my review of The Adventures of John Blake :D Then I posted my review of Now I Rise. Aw. This week I'm waiting on Daughter of the Siren Queen. <3 Then I posted my review of The Girl with the Ghost Machine :D Yay. My tests before I went to the hospital weren't good at all, so now getting medicine every fourth week, instead of sixth week. Ugh. But hoping that means I will feel better for longer. Fingers crossed :) Anyway. I'm mostly happy with this week. <3

Lord of Shadows. YAY for gorgeous looking international paperback edition :D Love this book so much.
Our Dark Duet. Eee! I am so so excited to be reading this book soon. Just, I peeked. Aw. But still excited.
A Darker Shade of Magic. I simply couldn't resist buying this foreign edition of this gorgeous book. Love.
The Suffering Tree. Reading this one next, and I am so excited for it. Oh, please let me love it lots. Ack.
The Evaporation of Sofi Snow. I enjoyed this book a lot, despite not loving it, so I couldn't not buy it :D
The Fallen Kingdom. Ahh. I cannot wait to read this final book. Just need to decide when to read it. <3
Miraculous Ladybug. Another of these stunning comic books from this awesome animated show. Eee.
The Girl with the Ghost Machine. Eee. I loved this book so so much. Adorable and heartbreaking. Aw.
The Peculiar Night of the Blue Heart. Love this book to pieces. Paperback edition is so gorgeous. Love.
The Safest Lies. I loved this book so much, and I had to own the paperback edition of it too. Love it.
Moana/Vaiana. Finally out. But.. they call her Vaiana in the English version too :( Not okay. Need US one.
Moana + Tsum Tsum. New Disney Store order, hih. I love all my new plushes :D Moana is so, so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. What a haul this week. I hope you love all of them. They look fantastic.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. The Suffering Tree! I'll be looking forward to the review. I'm so excited for that book, it sounds amazing! I didn't know that Megan Miranda had released another book... I'll have to add it to my GR. Also, why would they change the name of Moana? That's ridiculous! And OMG I love all the Tsum Tsums!!! Enjoy your stuff. :)

    Cass @ Words on Paper

  3. Glad you're feeling a little better. Chronic health problems can be so hard to deal with. Looks like you got some great books this week.

  4. Oh yay, Im glad to hear you're getting the meds that you need. Hope they make you feel a lot better. Lol, it makes me giggle when you say you peeked at the endings. Spoilers xD!! I'm the exact opposite. Sometimes i even cover the last page while reading the second-to-last page to be sure my eyes don't accidentally peek over to the last sentences LOL.
    I'm reading Suffering Tree soon too! I hope we both love it!

  5. What an amazing haul! I'm sorry you've had such a sucky few weeks health-wise. *hugs* I hope everything goes well with surgery, and that you recover quickly so you can enjoy the summer! <3

    That edition of ADSOM is BEAUTIFUL, and I'm excited to hear your thoughts on ODD! I'm meeting Schwab in a few weeks, so I think I'll hold out on reading it until just before I leave xD

    Have a lovely week, and I hope you feel better soon!



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