
Saturday, June 10, 2017

In My Mailbox #292

This week have been good and bad. Good, because we just had a few days of lovely summer weather :D Ahh. Loved it so. Sitting out in the sun and heat was amazing. I'm so tanned already, haha ;) I tan so very easily. But because of this sun, I haven't been able to read this week. Only read one short book. Hmph. But hoping to manage to read more very shortly; as there are some I'm planning on reading that must be read :D Anyway. That was the good part of the week. And the mail I got too. So much gorgeous. But the bad part is my awful health. My wound still haven't healed :( It's getting a tiny bit smaller each day, I think, but I thought it would be healed weeks ago. So yeah. I'm not feeling good about it. As I still haven't gotten my spa bath up.. sigh. But hoping hoping hoping it will be healed next week. It look sort of different today, so oh, fingers crossed. On top of that, this week I started having this intense pain in my left side. Every time I breathe, yawn and move. It's the worst :( And my stomach is bad again, as I need to ask to get medicine every fourth week, instead of sixth. Sigh. And yesterday I woke up with the worst wrist pain too. Just, ugh. I'm tired of being sick all the goddamn time. It isn't fair :( I just want to feel good. Aw. Anyway. I blogged a little this week :) I shared the gorgeous new Shadow and Bone covers. <3 I posted my review of Journey's End :) This week I'm waiting on Pacifica :D And I shared the stunning cover for Rosemarked. <3 I'm getting more medicine next Thursday, so just hoping I will be able to survive until then. Ugh. I wish.

Six of Crows + Crooked Kingdom. Eee, these French editions both look amazing :D Love them so much.
Here Lies Daniel Tate. I adored this book a whole bunch. And this finished copy is so so pretty. Love it.
The Vanishing Throne. Loved this book a whole lot. In love with this US paperback :D Amazing series.
Rebel Rising. I still haven't watched SW, ahh. But I love Beth. <3 And had to have this UK edition too ;)
Tangled. Eee, I just adore this new animated series. But haven't been new episodes in weeks. How rude.
Heartless. Ahh :D Thank you so much Sarah for trading with me. <3 LOVE this AUS ARC version :D
Now I Rise + All the Swag. Eee, thank you so much Sheyna for trading with me :D Dying. LOVE it all.
Pop + Bookmarks. Eee, the Beast looks amazing :D And new HappyHello bookmarks. <3 I love them.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Oh, how gorgeous! I love those French edition covers. :)

    Happy reading, hun!

  2. You got some terrific things. I hope you love all of them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. AHHHH, so many amazing things! I LOVE the book hugger <3
    Megan @

  4. Aw Carina, that sounds really tough what you're going through right now. :/ I haven't been following you closely on the blog lately so I don't really know much about it all, but I hope you get better soon! Sending well wishes to you. :)

    OMG those Six of Crow French editions are GORGEOUS!!! I'm really curious about Here Lies Daniel Tate - been seeing that circulate a lot lately. Hope you enjoy your new bookish things!

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your health, Carina! It isn't fair! I'm sending positive thoughts your way in hope that your health improves. I've heard good things about The Mark. Your kitty looks happy on the stairs. Enjoy your books, Carina! :)

  6. *hugs* I hope you get to take the spa bath very soon! And I hope the healing process continues to go well - or better!

    I love those editions of Six of Crows! Very beautiful! And The Vanishing Throne. You got lots of awesome stuff this week!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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