
Saturday, June 3, 2017

In My Mailbox #291

This week have been a bit busy. It went by pretty fast too. I read two books, but it was Lady Midnight and Lord of Shadows, which is over 1400 pages. Ahh. I'm so glad I read these books this week. Sigh. Perfect. But it did keep me busy all week :) Ack. It's now June. I had wanted to take up my spa bath before May.. hahaha. My wound still hasn't closed up. Sobs. It looks smaller and smaller, but goddamn it, it is taking forever to close. I'm tired. I'm so tired of this. Please close so that I can bath and take up my spa bath too. But, well, it isn't nice enough weather yet for spa bath either. So cold still, never as much as 10c. And rain and snow often too. Rude. But next week shall be warmer :D And oh, please let my wound be closed by then. Hmph. But starting to doubt it will happen. Aw. Anyway :D I didn't get as much mail this week as last week ;) But still got some gorgeous things. <3 Eee. And I love it all lots :D I blogged a bit too. I shared my book recommendation of Lady Midnight. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Prince and the Dressmaker :D And I posted my review of Lord of Shadows. Eee :D I'm feeling a bit exhausted, because re-reading book one and then reading book two made my heart hurt a lot. Heartbreaking yet amazing books. Love them.

Lord of Shadows. So many different editions :D Ahh, how much I loved this book. Love all of these so.
The Adventures of John Blake. I adore Philip so, so much. Excited for this new book by him :D Love.
And I Darken. Yay for gorgeous paperback edition out :D I own many copies of this precious book, lol.
Spectacle. I loved this book so much. Wish there had been a hardcover of it, though. Aw. Still, gorgeous.
Renegades. Eee! Thank you so much Becky for sending me this precious sampler :D I love it so much.
The Wish Granter Swag. Thank you Jamie for trading these with me :D I love all the books by CJ. <3
Pop Figures. Eee, so many new ones :D Haven't seen Labyrinth yet.. but think I'll love it. Love them all.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Your cat looks like how I felt after the end of yesterday. You got some wonderful books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Awwww man! I want you to get that spa bath! Hopefully you can do so very soon. :D So great that you got the Renegades sampler! I hope you enjoy all of your new goodies!

    Have a fabulous weekend, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  3. I hope your wound heals Carina, so you can get to take your spa bath, and that the weather improves for you. We're currently having 95F degree weather which is 35 degrees in Celsius, too hot!

    Wow, 1400 pages was a lot to read, glad to hear you enjoyed both books! :)

  4. I need to read my copy of Lord of Shadows and also need a copy of Spectacle.

    Happy reading, Carina!

  5. Hope you feel better soon so yiu can take a bath :-) wow that is a lot of reading in one week.

  6. Glad you read such great books this weeks. Here's hoping you finish healing this week and can spa asap! :)


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