
Saturday, May 20, 2017

In My Mailbox #289

Feeling pretty happy this week. I have been blogging a bunch, and have read two books. Not that many, but I'm happy with reading two. And my wound is starting to heal more. Hoping it will be closed up in about a week, eee, and that I can then take out my spa bath, finally :D I am so, so excited. Crossing all my fingers. I didn't get that many books this week, but still a bunch, and still all gorgeous. <3 Next week, though. Gosh. Next week will be huuuge. Ahhh. Books for trade :D And books bought on sale.. hahaha. Will be a huge post. Oh, well :D I'm so excited to get it all. Eee. I'm a bit upset about seeing so many ARCs of Godsgrave around, though.. as I'm not waiting on one. Ugh. Rude. Oh, well. I am feeling pretty happy today, though, because it has been announced that there will be a Mamma Mia sequel next year :D Eeee! And with the same cast. And oh god. I am beyond happy and beyond excited. Have wanted a sequel for years. Adore that movie. Yess :D Anyway. This week I posted a bunch. I shared the cover for Wires and Nerve: Volume 2. <3 And shared the cover for Unearthed :) Posted my review of The Journey to Dragon Island. <3 This week I'm waiting on Shadow Weaver :D Then I posted my review of The Boy on the Bridge. Which sucked. Ugh. How rude. But yeah, I had a pretty good week :) And pretty mail too.

The Journey to Dragon Island. I adored this middle grade sequel. Gosh, isn't that cover just gorgeous?
Seeker + Riders. Must have these for my awesome V collection. <3 Eee. Cannot wait to read Seeker :D
This Savage Song. Ahh, I love this book so so much. Stunning paperback :D Can't wait to re-read it. <3
Tangled. This new animated series is all kinds of adorable. This book of the animated movie is so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Ah, so jealous that you have Seeker. I really enjoyed Riders last year, although I was sad it didn't get as much publicity as it deserved. Hopefully with the release of Seeker it will get more attention!

  2. Yay, you got Seeker and Riders. I can't wait to read those. Also that cat photo is terrifying!
    Megan @

  3. Glad you had a good reading week and are feeling better. Awesome that you got Riders.

  4. Pretty things this week, Carina! I still hope to read This Savage Song someday! Haha, I love the pic of your cat. She looks like her wild side is coming out! :D Glad your feeling happy and better health, sweetie!
    Hey my site has gone a bit awry--if you want to visit it's here:

  5. You got more books than I did! Hope you enjoy them.

    Love the picture of the kitty! Totally almost missed seeing the cat in the tree. Totally camouflaged. :)

  6. Wow, that paperback of This Savage Song really is pretty! I can't wait to read Our Dark Duet. I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Have a fantastic week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. Happy to hear you're on the mend, Carina! :) Your kitty looks like she's terrified! I hope she didn't get hurt.


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