
Saturday, May 6, 2017

In My Mailbox #287

Eee, I managed to read two books this week; with the one that I started a week ago. <3 Sadly, they were one and three stars. Ugh. But I did read a bit :D And I'm really happy with that. Yay. And I turned 24 on May 3rd, so that's awesome too. <3 I had a good day, despite having a fever. I also got lots of pretty mail this week, which I love. And this week I made some really, really amazing ARC trades that I'm so happy about. Ahh. Hope they arrive soon so that I can share :D But oh, this week has also been really hard. I had a hospital check up on Thursday. They weren't supposed to do anything. My wound has been mostly healing for four weeks now, and was looking really good. But oh, the doctor found out that there was puss inside still. And he opened up my wound again. And oh gosh, now it will take forever to heal again. Sobs. And it's now hurting again too. And I just. I am so goddamn tired of all of this. I was finally healing. Sniffs. Feeling so sad. I'm supposed to get the spa bath up later this month. But if wound isn't closed, I can't bathe. Not okay. Oh, well. It's not ready for the bath yet anyway, it's just 1c out and snowing still. Hah. I hope the weather waits until my wound is healed.. Sigh. Anyway. Not doing the best. And now in pain again, so reading might be set back once again. Ugh. Hope not, though. I do wish to read. Have so so many unread books. Plus side, I have managed to fully catch up to commenting :D Eee. I comment on so so many blog posts. And I'm feeling a bit sad, because I have lots of page views lately, but so so few comments. Barely any comments at all. Aw. A bit depressing. But so thankful to those of you that do comment. <3 This week I blogged a bit more. I shared my review of Dreamfall; which sucked. Hah. Then my review of The Evaporation of Sofi Snow :) Which I mostly enjoyed. And this week I'm waiting on Flashtide. <3 Eee. Need this book badly. I hope I will be able to read more again this coming week :)

The Mortal Instruments. Got the UK edition last week; this is the US one. Yay! They are both gorgeous.
The Trials of Apollo. Ahh! I must read book one soon :D Aka, re-read all the first too. I'm so excited.
Camp Half-Blood Confidential. Excited to read this one; once I finally re-read all the first books too :)
Rebel Rising. Eee! New Beth book :D So gorgeous. I haven't seen Star Wars, though.. but soon, I hope.
Stars Above. YAY! Stunning new paperback edition is out :D It's so so pretty. Love this book to pieces.
Bukowski. Eee, they got a new gorgeous plush at the airport, lol. I can't help but buy they all. So so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. You haven't seen Star Wars?! Ack! You must watch them, Carina! Sooo good! :)

  2. Nice haul of books. I love coloring books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. Happy Birthday! I am sorry you had a fever, but it sounds like you still had a good day. That stuffed bear looks super soft. Looks like you got some great items in the mail. :)

  4. Yay! It's always great when you're able to read more than usual. :) Belated Happy Birthday! I hope you got some super great presents.

  5. AHH, Happy Birthday, dear!! I'm glad to hear it was good one, despite the fever. Oooh, even though I don't read them, that Cassie Clare coloring books looks so cool!!

  6. Happy belated birthday, and thanks for sharing your haul :) Hope you feel better soon!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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