
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #294

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Paris, at the dawn of the modern age:

Prince Sebastian is looking for a bride―or rather, his parents are looking for one for him. Sebastian is too busy hiding his secret life from everyone. At night he puts on daring dresses and takes Paris by storm as the fabulous Lady Crystallia―the hottest fashion icon in the world capital of fashion!

Sebastian’s secret weapon (and best friend) is the brilliant dressmaker Frances―one of only two people who know the truth: sometimes this boy wears dresses. But Frances dreams of greatness, and being someone’s secret weapon means being a secret. Forever. How long can Frances defer her dreams to protect a friend? Jen Wang weaves an exuberantly romantic tale of identity, young love, art, and family. A fairy tale for any age, The Prince and the Dressmaker will steal your heart.

Expected publication: February 13th 2018 by First Second
Pre-Order here and here

Is it February yet? Because this graphic novel looks all kinds of adorable. Ahh. I love that cover love crazy. It's gorgeous. And I cannot wait to see all the art inside of this book too :D Eee. I don't read a lot of graphic novels, but I will read this one. And I think I will love it so, so much. It sounds awesome. Hope that the romance will be amazing, eee. And that the book will have a happy ending too :) I'm so curious. I found this summary on Amazon, which I like a whole lot, but it doesn't really mention the romance. Ack.
What are you waiting for on this fancy Wednesday?

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Book Recommendation: Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare

Oh, how I am happy to have re-read this amazing book. It kills me a little, how much I love every book by Cassandra Clare. She is an amazing writer. And I think Lady Midnight might be my favorite book of hers. Maybe. At least I know that Julian is my favorite character out of them all. With Will a close second. Ahh. I just, I love this book so much. But my god, how they break my heart. All of them. All the time. And reading this book once more was pretty painful. I loved it even more. I was even more broken. Best book to read.

I'm not going to write too much about this book this time, I don't think. Just going to mention some of the things I love about it. This book tells the story of Emma and Julian. Shadowhunters and parabatai. They have been best friends for years. And oh, their friendship is so precious to me. They fight together; they do everything together. And I loved that beyond words. And when that started to turn into more, sniffs, it was the most beautiful thing. You know, despite being forbidden and all. I love them together the most.

There is so much to love about this book. And I am not going to describe much of it. Just that Julian is taking care of his family, his four younger siblings. And oh, my poor Julian. He is a father to them all. And he takes care of everything. And he is so, so broken because of all of this. It broke my heart all the time. I want the best for Julian. Sniffs. So sad. But he is the best. The absolute best person there is. He loves his family more than anything, and he would do everything to protect them all. Love that more than I can say.

And ahh, this family of his is adorable. The youngest, Tavvy, is all kinds of sweet. I want more of him. Aw. He's just the cutest. Next one is Dru, and gosh, I love her so. She's amazing. And ah, Ty and Livvy. They are the cutest twins and I adore them both to pieces. They are both special and I just love reading about all of these siblings. And then Mark came back, and oh gosh, he's so broken and so complicated. But he made me so angry often. Yet I love him like crazy too. I'm pretty curious about his love life, to be honest.

There is some romance in this book. And it's the most beautiful thing. And the most heartbreaking too, because there are so many complications. Falling in love with your parabatai is not allowed. And all the other pairings are full of heartbreak too. Ahh. But so stunning to read about, all of them. These characters are so special to me. I hope everything will work out for all of them. Sigh. And I simply can't wait to read more about all of them. Want much more of Dru soon too, as she's all kinds of adorable. They all are. Aw.

I have so many favorite scenes in this book. I can't mention all. But will share some of my favorites, even so. The scene I love the most is the beach scene, with Emma and Julian. Perfection. Yet heartbreaking, and I love it to pieces. Then there is the kitchen mess scene, with all the children. It broke my heart into a million pieces, to be honest. I just want Julian happy and loved. And oh, the paint room scene with Emma and Julian, when he showed her his secret room. I loved that beyond words. So, so many scenes I loved.

This whole book is perfection. But, yes, I will say that I'm still bitter about the ending. Because I still don't see how Emma can hurt Julian like this. Yes, I know she has very, very good reasons for it, and I cannot fully blame her, but I'm still pissed and hurt, because Julian has been broken and hurt for so, so long, and he does not deserve this pain. He doesn't deserve it at all. Sniffs. I feel like all I will do while reading the next book is cry. Aw. And I'm crying already. How rude. But I still have hope. Hope that it will be fixed fast.

That glimpse had shown her an intent and agonized Julian she'd never known.
A hidden face she'd never seen, that she didn't think anyone had ever seen.

Sigh. I'm not going to say too much more about this book. Just that it's perfect. And I couldn't have loved it more. Okay, I wish the heartbreak hadn't been that bad, ahh, but I still loved it so much. I love that this book is full of pain. I love that is focus a lot on family, and what it means to love. I love how Julian is the strongest person alive. How he takes care of everyone, always. I love how fierce Emma is, how loving Cristina is. They are all amazing characters. And I don't ever want to stop reading about them. So good.

There is so much I could say about Lady Midnight. And I have already written so much. Yet I haven't even mentioned the plot, not once. Ahh. And I'm not really going to. But do know that I loved it like crazy. The villain in this book is hidden for most of it, and when this person is revealed, gosh. It was so heartbreaking and so amazing. Loved it lots. And so angry too. Hmph. This book is all kinds of long. It took me ages to re-read it. But I don't mind. I wish it had been even longer. Because so much happens all the time. Hmph.

You don't have to have read all the other books by Cassie to read this one. But you should. You really should read all of those first, to understand everything better. To love all of the characters. Because we get to read about everyone in this book in City of Heavenly Fire, and that is not to be missed. Besides, every Shadowhunter book by Cassie is amazing. So read them. All of them. I loved the short story about Clary and Jace and all the rest of the older characters at the end of this book. It's adorable, yet sad too.

I love Lady Midnight beyond words. These characters means the world to me. I loved reading about them all once more. And I cannot wait to read the next two books in this series. But, my god, Lord of Shadows is going to murder me. There will be a lot of heartbreak and suffering. And, I peeked at the ending, that hurt will probably destroy me. I cannot wait to read it next, lol. I love these books so much. Brutal, yet so perfect. I love that Cassie are writing so many more Shadowhunter books. Cannot wait to read them all.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

In My Mailbox #290

This post is going to be huuuge. I have spent way too much money lately, lol. On trading. And buying. And this week just about everything arrived. Oh gosh. So so many ARCs that I traded for. <3 Eee! And also regular pre-orders. And then 40+ books that I bought because there was a sale on a Norwegian book site, and so I could buy tons of the books that I hadn't pre-ordered before, lol. And I bought so so much. Ahh. All my money gone. How rude. But worth it. Except no room. Ahh. But still. WORTH IT. SO much stunning in the mail this week :D Eeee. I'm in love with all of it. <3 So so much. This week I blogged a bit, and read two books. Sadly, both were three stars. Aw. I need a book that I will love like crazy next. Hmm. Anyway. I shared the cover for Renegades. <3 And shared my review of Retribution Rails :D This week I'm waiting on The Becoming of Noah Shaw. <3 Then I shared my review of Shadow Weaver :) I have had a pretty good week. If I'm able to stop thinking about people getting Godsgrave, and me not getting it, ugh. My jealousy is huge. Aw. But I'm dealing with it, lol :) Also feeling a bit sad, as I had hoped my wound would be healed by this weekend. But it isn't. Sniffs. But aaalmost. Just days left, I think :D And I am so excited. Soon I will get to bath in my bathtub again. And almost time to take up the spa bath too, and oh god. I'm so happy about it all. And to be able to wear pants again in my home, haha. Been waiting so long for this stupid wound to heal. Ugh. But yeah, I still had a pretty good week :D So, yay.

Six of Crows + Menagerie + Jane, Unlimited + Nemesis + The Girl With All the Gifts + Wink, Poppy, Midnight. Eee! Thank you so much Krys for trading all of these with me :D I am so so happy. Sniffs.
Across the Universe. YAY! Thank you so much Claire for trading with me :D I love it so so much. Eee.
Flashfall + Hunted. Oh god. Wanted these so so badly. Thank you the most Bridget :D Eee. SO happy.
The Crooked Sixpence. I enjoyed my ARC of this one a whole lot, and really wanted the hardcover too :D
The Gauntlet. I now own all three books, yet have not read book one yet. Ahh. But soon, I hope :D Pretty.
Here We Are. I must admit. I bought this for Courtney Summers. Ahh. But hoping it's an amazing book :)
Frozen. I couldn't resist finally getting this pop-up book :D Eee. I love pop-up. And this is so so gorgeous.
The Art of Trolls. Ahh, such a stunning book. And this movie was all kinds of adorable. I had to own this.
Tolkien's World. I couldn't help but buy this coloring book. I must get to read the books one day too :D
Lord of Shadows. Eee! One of my copies arrived today :D It is huge and gorgeous and I'm so so excited.
Lady Midnight + Cinder + Scarlet + Cress + Fairest. Eee. Precious stunning audio books. I love them so.
Pop. I adore the Beast. Gorgeous. And Jessica and Luke :D Love. And eee, new Tony Stark. Love him.

Windwitch. I know, I haven't read book one yet.. but everyone loves these books, so I had to own both.
The Darkest Magic. I was missing this one :D But haven't read book one yet.. ahh. But soon, I hope.
The Book Thief. I wanted this special edition a whole bunch. It's huge and it looks so gorgeous. Love.
Three Dark Crowns. German edition :D Eee. Isn't it just gorgeous? Love this cover so, so much. Perfect.
Champion. I did love this series a lot. And the graphic novels are just perfection. So gorgeous. Love this.
Slasher Girls & Monster Boys. Still haven't read it. Ahh. But my collection needed the paperback too, lol.
The School for Good and Evil. I love this series to pieces. But only had one hardcover of book one. Rude.
Eleanor & Park. I hadn't yet gotten this new special edition. And it's stunning. Loved this book a whole lot.
A Night Divided. This book looks all kinds of awesome and I couldn't help but buy it. Hope I'll love it lots.
Pip Bartlett. Haven't read it yet, ahh. But was missing these two gorgeous editions of it, hih. So so pretty.
Vicious. I was missing the paperback of this awesome book, and so I had to get it. I did like this a lot.
The Adventures of the New Cut Gang. I saw this. And I had to buy it. I love Philip. Hope I'll love this too.
Out of the Easy. I have wanted this book for a while now. I really, really hope that I will love it a lot. Ahh.
United. I was missing one more hardcover to complete my collection :D Eee. Must read it soon, though.
Iron Hearted Violet + The Mostly True Story of Jack. Adore this author; haven't read her earlier books yet.
Rebel of the Sands. Gosh, this collection of mine is just growing and growing. Ugh. But so so gorgeous.
York: The Shadow Cipher. I liked my ARC so so much, and I had to own the hardcover too. Gorgeous.
The Hunt. Yeah, I haven't read book one, but now I have all three, lol. I hope to love them all, though.
Crooked Kingdom. The new, smaller, UK paperback edition :D Yay. It's gorgeous. Love this book so.
Some Kind of Happiness. Eee! Paperback edition is out :D It's perfect. Loved this book the very most.
Ravenous. A bit behind on buying this stunning paperback, eee. Adored the book a lot. And so pretty.

Lord of the Rings + Harry Potter + Trolls. Eee, new perfect coloring books :D I love them all so much.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Was missing this stunning art book :D It's so so gorgeous.
Moana + Trolls. A couple more of these stunning books too. Eee. Love both movies so very much.
Supernatural. Eee. I'm so, so thrilled with this gorgeous poster collection. Sigh. They are all stunning.
Zootopia + Dragons. These are just gorgeous. Was missing many dragons books, lol. They are so cute.

Swag. Ahh! Thank you so much Erica :D Dying. It's all gorgeous and perfect and sniffs. Love it so much.

Odd & True. I'm waiting for a print ARC too, eee, but might read it before that :D So so excited for this.
Shadow Weaver. Eee! Thank you so much to the publisher for this :D Read it already; liked it a lot. <3

More Instagram photos here. <3

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Review: Shadow Weaver by MarcyKate Connolly

I have been so excited to read this book for ages now. I adored the other books by MarcyKate, and couldn't wait to read more books by her. So happy to have been able to read an eARC of this book early. It's so stunning. I wish I could say that I loved this book like I wanted to, but oh, I sadly had some issues too.

There are parts of this book that I loved a lot. Found the story pretty incredible. But because of some issues that I had with some things, I couldn't fully love it all. Which makes me a little sad, because I really did want to love it like crazy. Aw. But I did enjoy it a lot, and I am super excited that there will be a sequel.

I did find this book to be an easy one to finish, as I felt like it was super short, but there was a lot happening. And I did not really want the book to end, because I did grow to care for the characters. Shadow Weaver tells the story of twelve year old Emmeline. She has had magic ever since she was born. She's able to control shadows. Which was all kinds of awesome. And I loved reading about what she could do. Emmeline is able to talk to her own shadow, as it's almost a person. Which was so complicated and a bit creepy, to be honest. Because of the things that Emmeline can do, people and her parents are afraid of her. So she does not have any real friends, or good people in her life. Which was so sad. Aw. As Emmeline is pretty adorable.

This book tells the story of how she runs away from her home, after her parents are planning on sending her away, to cure her of her magic. And Emmeline does not want this at all. So she runs into the forest. But she's not the best planner, and she has lived a pretty sheltered life, so it doesn't go all that well. Her shadow, Dar, is always with her, and she has just shared with Emmeline that it is possible to make her human. Which they are working on doing. And oh, I wish Emmeline had been a bit more careful and wary.

There are a lot of interesting things happening in this book. The reason for why Emmeline had to escape was pretty exciting to get to know more about. There are some bad people around, looking for children, looking to take their magic. There aren't that many people in this world that have magic, as they got it in a special way. Which I liked a lot. But I wish there had been more about the world, as there really wasn't much described, and I wanted to know more. But still, I liked reading about where this book took place.

I really enjoyed reading about Emmeline. Though at times she could be a lot of stupid, and not seeing things that were obvious, about her shadow. And I didn't like how she lied a lot. Aw. But she was still an awesome girl to read about. Though I did feel that she felt a lot younger than twelve years old. Hmm. But then again, she had been really sheltered. And she was adorable. Anyway. I liked the plot a lot, learning about shadows and magic and more stuff like that. Just wishing that the book had been longer, though.

The reason for why I had issues with this book was mostly the writing, sadly. I had so many issues getting through it. Aw. I found it to be a little bit weird, and hard to read most of the time. Especially with the way Emmeline was thinking all the time. She kept repeating herself the whole book too, and that was super annoying. Grew tired of reading the same small parts again and again. I also just had issues connecting with the writing, as I had more issues with it. Just, aw. I'm pretty sad about it. But I didn't dislike the story.

Because the plot in this book is pretty good and I enjoyed it at all times. I loved the magic that Emmeline has. I loved reading about her playing with the shadows, and I wanted more of that so badly. I loved it so when she met Lucas, and started spending time with him. Their growing friendship was awesome to read about; just wishing there had been more details about it. And oh, Lucas was pretty incredible, and I truly adored reading about him. And his magic too. Eee. It was beyond stunning and so so interesting as well.

Even though I didn't love it, you really should give this book a try. Shadow Weaver is a stunning middle grade book with an incredible lead girl and such an exciting magic story. Huge thank you to the publisher, Sourcebooks, for letting me read this book early via Netgalley. Means the very most to me. I shall now be hunting for a print ARC too, eee. Which are so gorgeous. I'm thrilled that I got to read this book early. I'm just sad that I couldn't love it like I wanted to. Aw. But I still liked it a lot, and I am really happy about that.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #293

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

In the first book of the Shaw Confessions, the companion series to the New York Times bestselling Mara Dyer novels, old skeletons are laid bare and new promises prove deadly. This is what happens after happily ever after.

Everyone thinks seventeen-year-old Noah Shaw has the world on a string.

They’re wrong.

Mara Dyer is the only one he trusts with his secrets and his future.

He shouldn’t.

And both are scared that uncovering the truth about themselves will force them apart.

They’re right.

Hardcover, 384 pages
Expected publication: November 7th 2017 by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here

I loved the first two Mara Dyer books a whole bunch. But I have yet to read the third one. Aaack. But I know how it all ends, lol. But despite not having read the third book, I'm really excited about these new books. Eee. This one looks beyond gorgeous. So pretty. And I hope that the book will be amazing too. I do adore these characters. But it do seem like there will be a lot of heartbreak.. oh, how I wish not. Okay, I can handle heartbreak and a bit of drama, as long as there is no love triangle at all :) Fingers crossed.
What are you waiting for on this dark Wednesday?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Review: Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman

I'm so thrilled to have been able to read this book so early. It isn't out until November, and oh, I have waited so long to read it. This book was an exciting one. And I enjoyed it a whole lot. But sadly, I didn't love it, and so I'm giving it three stars. I have reasons for this, and also a lot of reasons for why you should read this book.

I enjoyed Vengeance Road a whole bunch when I read it, close to two years ago now. And I wanted a second book a whole lot. Retribution Rails is not a sequel; but a companion book set in the same place as the first. This one takes place ten years later, with some very different characters. Which were pretty exciting, tbh.

I enjoyed reading about Reece and Charlotte. While I didn't fully love either of them, aw, I liked reading about them both a whole lot. This book is told from both point of views, and I liked that a lot. I preferred reading about Reece, but I adored Charlotte too. And getting to know them was all kinds of awesome. Reece is eighteen years old; he have been riding with the Rose Riders for three years now. Well, he has been forced to ride with them. And getting to know his story was pretty heartbreaking. Even though I didn't fully connect, aw, I still enjoyed reading about it so much. Reece was an amazing character and I loved getting to know him. Really wish Charlotte had treated him better, but I couldn't blame her either, to be honest. He had a bad reputation.

Charlotte is sixteen, and wants to be a journalist. Her father just died, and she and her mom are having issues with her uncle. Which reminded me a bit too much of another western series I love, so that was a bit annoying, yet it was different too. But oh, still, a bit too much the same. But even so, I did like reading about it. Charlotte is pretty strong, and she gets even stronger as the story goes on. I suppose her mom was strong too, but I didn't care for her at all. Aw. But their issues were pretty sad though, I must admit.

This story is about Reece and Charlotte ending up together, and having to work together too. And that was pretty interesting to read about. Reece is with the Rose Riders, whom are the very worst men in this territory. They murder and steal and worse. Reece isn't fully like them, but he too has done murder. So he's not the best kind of boy. Yet he's kind and gentle too, and I was pretty curious about him. Wish there had been a bit more details about him, though. I wish I had gotten to know him even more. Wanted more.

Reece is a criminal, Charlotte is a lady. And I loved reading about them meeting each other. He's robbing her train, and her, she's about to shoot him. It was all kinds of exciting and interesting. I really enjoyed reading about everything that happened after that too. I just didn't feel that strongly about the characters. Aw. Probably because they pretty much hate each other for a long time. And I didn't like how they treated each other at times. But I did like reading about them, even so, and they had an interesting relationship.

There is so much happening in this book. And I'm not going to talk about all of it. Have mentioned some parts, but there is still tons more going on. This book is set in such an awesome time period, and I loved reading about that. The setting was amazing. I liked the characters, despite not loving them. And reading about the Rose Riders was pretty horrible yet so fascinating too. I really enjoyed reading about how they were going to take them down. And how so much went wrong. Lots of surprises included in this book too.

One thing that I enjoyed a whole bunch about this book was that we get to see a lot of old characters too, from book one. They are now older, yet still so awesome. Not going to mention that much more, just that I loved reading about them again, and that their part in this story was pretty good. I loved how things had changed in these ten years. Sigh. I didn't remember all the details from book one, but remember enough, and getting these small reminders of the book made me so happy. And might wish to read it again. Hmph.

I think that one of the biggest reasons for why I didn't love this book was because there was no romance. Reece and Charlotte are not friends at all for most of the book. But they slowly get to know each other a little bit, but because of how fast this book is moving, there isn't time for anything else. And so there is no kissing. And there is no feelings between them. There are hints near the ending that there might be small feelings between them, but nothing shown, and that just disappointed me a bit. Aw. I wanted a romance.

I liked the ending of the book, but one thing bothered me a little. Oh, well. While I didn't love this one, I liked it a lot. And I think that Retribution Rails is a book worth reading. It's exciting and brutal with such interesting characters. It's a fast read, and I found it to be pretty interesting. I'm just a bit sad that I didn't love it more. But I did like it, and I'm happy with that. This book is gorgeous, and I can't wait to own the finished copy too. Huge, huge thank you to the publisher, HMH Books, for the most gorgeous ARC copy.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Cover Reveal: Renegades by Marissa Meyer

EEE! I am beyond excited about this book :D I'm the biggest fan of Marissa. <3 I love her books to pieces. They are all aaaamazing. And I simply cannot wait to read more books by her :D Renegades sounds like it shall be so amazing. I'm still a bit sad that it got cut from a trilogy to a standalone, though. Aw. But still know that I will love it tons :D Cannot wait to meet these characters. <3 But ahhh. I need there to be a happy ending, lol. And oh gosh, this cover! It is AWESOME. And gorgeous too. And I love it tons. Eee. Is it November yet? Sigh. I will love this book like crazy. What do you think of this cover? :D
Edit: There will now be two books in this series! Eeee! I am SO excited :D Also, I added bigger image.

From #1 New York Times-bestselling author Marissa Meyer, comes a high-stakes world of adventure, passion, danger, and betrayal.

Secret Identities.
Extraordinary Powers.
She wants vengeance. He wants justice.

The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone...except the villains they once overthrew.

Nova has a reason to hate the Renegades, and she is on a mission for vengeance. As she gets closer to her target, she meets Adrian, a Renegade boy who believes in justice—and in Nova. But Nova's allegiance is to a villain who has the power to end them both.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

In My Mailbox #289

Feeling pretty happy this week. I have been blogging a bunch, and have read two books. Not that many, but I'm happy with reading two. And my wound is starting to heal more. Hoping it will be closed up in about a week, eee, and that I can then take out my spa bath, finally :D I am so, so excited. Crossing all my fingers. I didn't get that many books this week, but still a bunch, and still all gorgeous. <3 Next week, though. Gosh. Next week will be huuuge. Ahhh. Books for trade :D And books bought on sale.. hahaha. Will be a huge post. Oh, well :D I'm so excited to get it all. Eee. I'm a bit upset about seeing so many ARCs of Godsgrave around, though.. as I'm not waiting on one. Ugh. Rude. Oh, well. I am feeling pretty happy today, though, because it has been announced that there will be a Mamma Mia sequel next year :D Eeee! And with the same cast. And oh god. I am beyond happy and beyond excited. Have wanted a sequel for years. Adore that movie. Yess :D Anyway. This week I posted a bunch. I shared the cover for Wires and Nerve: Volume 2. <3 And shared the cover for Unearthed :) Posted my review of The Journey to Dragon Island. <3 This week I'm waiting on Shadow Weaver :D Then I posted my review of The Boy on the Bridge. Which sucked. Ugh. How rude. But yeah, I had a pretty good week :) And pretty mail too.

The Journey to Dragon Island. I adored this middle grade sequel. Gosh, isn't that cover just gorgeous?
Seeker + Riders. Must have these for my awesome V collection. <3 Eee. Cannot wait to read Seeker :D
This Savage Song. Ahh, I love this book so so much. Stunning paperback :D Can't wait to re-read it. <3
Tangled. This new animated series is all kinds of adorable. This book of the animated movie is so cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, May 19, 2017

Review: The Boy on the Bridge by M. R. Carey

I was fully expecting to enjoy this book a lot. But that did not happen. Instead I ended up disliking it a whole bunch. Sigh. Which is the most disappointing. Because I was really excited about reading this one. Was hoping it would be exciting and awful and so good. But it wasn't any of those things, not really.

I enjoyed The Girl With All the Gifts a little bit. I gave it three stars. I had some issues, but I was interested in the story. And so I was very excited about this book set twenty years before that one. Because the small summary sounded pretty thrilling. But oh, that summary is a lie. And I'm so very disappointed by it.

Two stars for this book. I wish I knew what to say about it. And I'm hoping I will find the words to talk about it all. But I'm already growing bored. Ugh. The summary makes it sound like this book will be about a boy, sent out to the monsters, aka the hungries, aka the zombies. But this is a lie. First, this boy is fifteen years old. Second, they are twelve people sent out in a very large car thingy. Third, the boy wasn't even supposed to be there, another one had to force them to let him come. All of which I'm really disappointed by. Thought this would be an amazing story. But it wasn't. This whole book was mostly just beyond boring and full of annoying science writing that mostly made no sense. And that I mostly read through without understand any of it. So tiring.

I suppose I should have realized that this book wouldn't be able a boy at all, considering the first book wasn't really about the girl much at all. Sigh. But I still thought this book would be exciting and awful. But it wasn't. At least, very small parts of it were. I liked the ending a lot. Because it was finally pretty brutal and exciting too. But the last twenty pages were not nearly enough to save this book for me. Though that epilogue made me want a third book, maybe, if it would be possible to make it more exciting. I doubt it.

This book is written from many point of views. And I'm not going to begin to talk about them all. There aren't really that many characters, as there are only twelve in this moving thing. And they don't all have a point of view, only some of them. One thing that I did like about this book, was that there were hints about The Girl With All the Gifts included. As that one takes place twenty years after this book. Sadly, I do not remember all the details of that book, ugh, but I remember some, and I liked the small hints that I noticed.

The boy in this book is a point of view character too. But oh, I did not love Stephen Greaves at all. But I suppose that he was an interesting character to read about, at times, and that I could have loved him. But I just didn't. He's fifteen years old, and he has tons of issues. I liked that he doesn't like being touched at all. I liked that he didn't like many people. But some things about him just bothered me. Like how he gets if he tries telling a lie. And how he keeps lying and messing things up in the whole book. Sigh. Not good.

Then there were a few of the other characters. There is a doctor, Rina. She has sort of been a mother for Stephen for years now. They are pretty close. But yeah, I didn't love her either. Aw. But I did like her a lot. She's also pregnant, seven months now, they have been on the road for that many months, supposed to be out there for twelve. Not good. But interesting to read about too. I was curious about her and her baby, but it got to be a bit too much too. Sigh. Didn't care for the baby daddy at all, sadly. He was just boring.

And then there was McQueen. And gosh, I hated him to pieces. He has such nasty thoughts all the time, and he keeps messing up too. He's a soldier. And I wanted him dead every time I read his name. Ugh. But there was one character that I liked more than any other. The colonel. He was an awesome man and I wanted to know more about him badly. I disliked how many hated him and tried to make him mess up and such. But I did enjoy reading about him. But even he was not special enough. Not one of them were.

This book is for adults. Which I am. But I found it to be beyond boring and I can't really see anyone else enjoying it either. Even though this book is about zombies. Even though there are those very amazing children zombies too, which are so special to read about, and I wanted even more of them so badly. But that wasn't enough to save this book. Most of the characters were boring as hell. I tried my best to like them. But it was impossible. Just about nothing happens for most of the book, which was so depressing.

I suppose I really should talk about the plot for a bit, because I haven't mentioned what the point of this book is. There are twelve people sent out on a mission that's supposed to last a year. They are to collect samplers from the hungries, to try to see if there is anything new, to try to search for a cure. The world ended ten years ago. And there aren't many humans left at all. I did like that part of the story. But it's such a small part. And I did like reading about the hungries. But this book was too much boring and science.

And not even good science. Ugh. Their mission was all kinds of boring to read about. Because for so long nothing happened at all. Sure, there are a few moments here and there when things got a bit exciting. But they didn't last. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to forget about this book pretty fast too. It could have been amazing, though. But it wasn't. Have now written way more than I wanted to. So now I'm done. The Boy on the Bridge was simply disappointing. Wouldn't really recommend that anyone reads it. It's not worth it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #292

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

The shadows that surround us aren’t always as they seem…

Emmeline has grown up with a gift. Since the time she was a baby she has been able to control shadows. And her only friend and companion is her own shadow, Dar.

Disaster strikes when a noble family visits their home and offers to take Emmeline away and cure her of magic. Desperate not to lose her shadows, she turns to Dar who proposes a deal: Dar will change the noble’s mind, if Emmeline will help her become flesh as she once was. Emmeline agrees but the next morning the man in charge is in a coma and all that the witness saw was a long shadow with no one nearby to cast it. Scared to face punishment, Emmeline and Dar run away.

With the noble’s guards on her trail, Emmeline’s only hope of clearing her name is to escape capture and perform the ritual that will set Dar free. But Emmeline’s not sure she can trust Dar anymore, and it’s hard to keep secrets from someone who can never leave your side.

The first in a dark middle-grade fantasy duology, MarcyKate Connolly weaves a tale filled with shadows, danger, and magic that has the feel of a new classic.

Expected publication: January 1st 2018 by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Pre-Order here and here

I'm going to love this book beyond words. I adore MarcyKate. She writes aaamazing middle grade books. Eee. And this one. Oh god. LOOK AT THAT COVER! I am dying. It's perfect. It's stunning. So lovely. And it sounds SO GOOD too :D Eee. I cannot wait to meet Emmeline. <3 This book sounds creepy and so so awesome and I'm going to love it so so much. Need it now. I'm hoping to hunt down the print ARC of it :)
What are you waiting for on this shadowy Wednesday?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Review: The Journey to Dragon Island by Claire Fayers

Been around ten months since I read the first book in this series. I enjoyed it a lot, and wanted a sequel so badly. And now I finally got to read this second book. And oh, it was all kinds of exciting and fun. I was a bit nervous at first, worried I had forgotten too much, that I wouldn't connect. But I had no need at all to worry.

Because it didn't take me too long to be fully in this world again, and back to adoring the characters. I liked this sequel more than I liked the first, and I'm giving this one four stars. Wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed it a whole bunch, and there wasn't anything about it that I disliked. Just crossing all my fingers there is a new book.

As I'm going to need much more about these characters and this world. This story isn't done yet. Still much more that can happen, and I want to read about it so badly. This book do remind me a lot of other middle grade pirate books that I have read, but it's a lot different too, and I enjoyed them all, for different reasons. I'm so glad that I read this sequel. Because there are dragons. And dinosaurs and creatures. And pirates and magicians. There is magic and gorgeous friendships. I enjoyed reading about the pirate ship and all the crew members. Had issues with Cassie at times, but I like reading about her even so. She's a pretty fierce captain. And oh, I just enjoy this world a lot. But yeah, this book was a bit too short, to be honest. I wish it had been longer.

This book tells the story of Brine, Peter and Tom. It's mostly the story of Brine, who's the most awesome twelve year old girl. I adore reading about her so much. She's kind and amazing and I do wish I could get to know her a bit more. Feel like the books are a bit too short to fully get to know all the characters. But I do adore Brine. And I love that she's always trying to make up plans for everything. I love her friendship with Peter and everyone else. I liked that she didn't dislike Stella at all; but they instead became friends.

I also feel like Peter is the biggest part of this book, and I love that so much. He is the most amazing character and I just love reading about him. Peter can do magic. But he hasn't done any for weeks now, after the end of book one, because things did not go well the last time he used magic. Aw. He's feeling a bit broken about things, which I loved too, and yeah. I loved getting to know him more and I need even more of him. And eee, I loved that the dragon adored him the most, hih. It was simply the cutest thing.

I can't help it; I ship Brine and Peter like crazy. I was worried in book one that it wouldn't happen one day, but in this book, I'm now more sure that it will happen one day. Eee. I just hope there will be more hints in book three, if there is a book three. Because I need this to happen. They are amazing friends, and would be even more amazing as more. Anyway. There is also Tom, whom I also adore. Loved his story in book one, and he's still amazing in this one. He's smart and kind and and awesome friend. I did like him a lot.

There are a bunch of other characters in this book too. Not going to talk about those, just that I enjoyed reading about them all. I love Peter the most, then Brine, but I also cared for all the other people as well. I loved the magic in this book. I love how spells are done, and what can be done with the magic. I love that Peter is the only one of them who can do magic, because that makes him special, and I'm so very happy about that. Though I don't like that they are all always expecting him to fix everything. Sigh. Not very kind.

So much happens in this book. And I'm not going to talk much about it, or write much more about this book, but yeah, I enjoyed the plot a whole bunch. Most of this story takes place on a island. Where there is supposed to be dragons. And oh, it's really exciting to read about. There are bad people, and some kind ones, and a pretty dark plot too. A bit horrible, so much awesome. There are dragons. Eee. And there are other creepy creatures as well. And I so loved reading about all of them. Especially dragons.

If you haven't yet started this series, then you must. Both books are adorable and fun and you really should give them a try. Thank you so much to the publisher for giving me an eARC of this book to read. Though I ended up waiting for my hardcover to arrive, and read that one, ack. But either way, so glad to have been able to read this. The Journey to Dragon Island was such a fantastic book. Full of adventure and magic and the most awesome characters. I'm so glad that I read it, and so glad that I enjoyed it lots.

Cover Reveal: Unearthed by Amie Kaufman & Meagan Spooner

Ahh, I am so, so excited about this book. I adore both these authors and I cannot wait to read more books by them. Eee. They are both such awesome authors. And I love their books so much. And I think that Unearthed sounds aaamazing. Plus, it looks beyond gorgeous :D This cover is SO STUNNING. Just wishing it was out already. Hmph. Waiting for January will be torture. I think and hope that I will love this book lots and lots. And hoping that the romance will be awesome too, hih. I just love space books so so much and this one sounds so good. Eee. Oh, how I wish to read it right now. Hmph. What do you think?

When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying's advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be uncovered.

For Jules Addison and his fellow scholars, the discovery of an alien culture offers unprecedented opportunity for study... as long as scavengers like Amelia Radcliffe don't loot everything first. Mia and Jules' different reasons for smuggling themselves onto Gaia put them immediately at odds, but after escaping a dangerous confrontation with other scavvers, they form a fragile alliance.

In order to penetrate the Undying temple and reach the tech and information hidden within, the two must decode the ancient race's secrets and survive their traps. But the more they learn about the Undying, the more their presence in the temple seems to be part of a grand design that could spell the end of the human race...

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Cover Reveal: Wires and Nerve: Volume 2 by Marissa Meyer

Eee! I am so so excited about this book :D I adore this world created by Marissa more than words. And I loved the first Wires and Nerve book so much :D Eee. Iko is adorable. And I cannot wait to read more about her and all the other characters too. Hoping for more Iko romance in this one, haha ;) Cannot wait. Sigh. This book shall be amazing. And oh gosh, that cover is SO PRETTY! I love love love. The artwork in these graphic novels are just perfection. So excited for this book. Ohh. Just saw on both covers, and there is a different art artist for book two. Curious about why. What do you think of the cover? :D Eee.

The second graphic novel from #1 New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Marissa Meyer!

The world of the Lunar Chronicles comes alive in this thrilling continuation of Wires and Nerve. Iko – an audacious android and best friend to the Lunar Queen Cinder – has been tasked with hunting down Alpha Lysander Steele, the leader of a rogue band of bioengineered wolf-soldiers who threaten to undo the tenuous peace agreement between Earth and Luna. Unless Cinder can reverse the mutations that were forced on them years before, Steele and his soldiers plan to satisfy their monstrous appetites with a massacre of the innocent people of Earth.

And to show he’s serious, Steele is taking hostages.

Cinder and Kai, Scarlet and Wolf, Cress and Thorne, and Winter and Jacin all feature in this epic new battle. But it is Iko who must face her deepest fears when she uncovers the truth about her own unusual programming. Questions of love, friendship, and mortality take Iko on an emotional journey that will satisfy and delight fans of this bestselling series.”

Saturday, May 13, 2017

In My Mailbox #288

I read three books this past week :D Yesss. So happy about that. And it was three awesome books as well. I also re-watched all of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, extended editions. <3 Eee. Best movies. Not feeling the best yet, sigh, as this healing is so so so slow. But it's getting a bit better, I think. Well, I hope so. Hoping that it will be healed in the next two weeks.. as I think it will be possible to take up my spa bath then. Ahh. But I must be healed first :( Ugh. Fingers crossed, please. Since I read three books this week, I also blogged a bit more. Yay. Shared my review of The Shadow Cipher :) This week I'm waiting on Into the Bright Unknown. <3 I posted my book recommendation of Three Dark Crowns :D And shared my review of One Dark Throne. <3 Eee! And this week I got a whole bunch of amazing books too :D Ahh! So so happy with it all. <3 And more coming up sooooon. I cannot wait. Sigh. So excited. Still haven't gotten spring here.. and still snow outside; but it's melting a whole bunch, so hopefully it will get warmer soon and spring will arrive. I just hope we will get a warm summer. Hmph. Had a good week :)

The Boy on the Bridge. Ahh, I cannot wait to read this one. I hope that I will love it oh so much. Excited.
Brave New Girl. This book seems pretty awesome. I hope that I will love it lots. I do like this author :)
Carry On. Ahh! New cover is STUNNING :D I couldn't help but get two. Love this book to pieces. Sigh.
My Lady Jane. Eee, this US paperback edition is all kinds of gorgeous. Loved this book so so much. Yay.
The Golden Specific + Exile + Simon Thron + All That Burns. Eee! Thank you so much Anya for trading with me :D I couldn't resist these ARCs when I saw them. Read two, loved them. Curious about the rest.
The Girl With All the Gifts. Liked the book a lot. Can't wait to watch this :D Gotten tons more movies, hih.
Retribution Rails. EEE! Thank you so so much HMH Books for sending me this :D I AM SO EXCITED.

One Dark Throne. EEE! I couldn't help but read this book right away when it showed up on EW. <3 Love.
Before She Ignites. Reading this one very soon :D I can't wait to read it. Gorgeous. Sounds so awesome.

More Instagram photos here. <3

Friday, May 12, 2017

Review: One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake

Unsure how to talk about this precious book. Feel like I devoured it. And no words are coming out to describe how I felt about it all. Because my feelings are too many, too much. This second book was beyond amazing. And I loved every word of it. Even though it is even more rude than the first. Hmph. Yet stunningly perfect.

This book is much darker than the first one. Okay, both are pretty dark. Dark and lovely and oh so awesome. I will start by saying that I loved this book a whole bunch, and I'm giving it five stars. I'm feeling a bit broken, though. That ending just about killed me. So so glad that there will be two more books in this series. Yess.

Trying hard to figure out what to write down about this amazing story. But I'm having trouble thinking about it. This book was so epic. Full of murder and poison and danger. And a bit of romance here and there. Full of amazing animals as well. There are a lot of brutal deaths too. Two that I am not okay with and might never forgive. Hmph. How rude. Yet so amazing to read, even so. I'm so nervous about what will come next. But so excited to find out. Kendare said she still would have ended this book the same, ah, even if it had only been two books, like it was planned at first. And oh gosh, I could not have survived that. This ending is rude. And a bit awful, and a bit happy too. But I need more books. For sure. So happy there will be more. Not done with the queens.

The writing in this one is just as amazing as every other book by Kendare. Which is the very best. I had no issues at all reading this one. Eee. I am thrilled that I loved it lots. Yes, I am all kinds of heartbroken about certain things, and so angry with Kat, but I loved the story so much. These characters are precious to me. I love reading about them and getting to know them better. This world is incredible. This island is so special and I want more and more about it. The story is brutal yet so awesome. Dying to know more.

One Dark Throne takes place a short time after Three Dark Crowns. Things are not going very well for Katharine and Arsinoe and Mirabella. They all face so many awful things in this book. And I loved reading every moment of it. Eee. I must say that my favorite character this time was Arsinoe. She's stronger and braver too. So kind and gentle as well. There is also a bear. And it's the most amazing thing. And so cute. And I'm a bit bitter about one scene. Hmph. But I'm dealing with it, lol. The bear was awesome to know.

And I just adored reading about Arsinoe in this book. At first I was a bit unsure, as I didn't like that she and Jules were arguing a little. But that passed. And they are the best of friends. But yeah. Arsinoe is awesome. And Billy is stunning in this one too. I love how their friendship is turning into something more. The most adorable thing to read about. Still wishing for more kisses, haha. But lovely romance. And I just love reading about them together. How they argue and tease and are just awesome friends. So adorable.

And oh, Jules. She's still the most precious to me. But I did miss her a bit in this one. I wish there had been even more about her. But gosh, what there is about her is so perfect. So much new happens with her and I am beyond curious about all of it. It's a bit scary, yet thrilling too. And oh, her relationship with Joseph. I'm still so mad about this boy because of what happened in book one. And Jules is too. But she loves him. And he loves her. And there is more about them in this one. Complicated, but I'm happy with it.

I actually liked Mirabella a lot more in this sequel. I was afraid that I wouldn't like her at all. But I did. She isn't rude and she isn't cruel. Okay, fine, she's a bit awful in the beginning. But I can forgive that. I do think I like this girl a lot. Not too much, just enough. Her friendship with Bree and Elizabeth is still stunning. And I love how she and Billy becomes friends too. Mostly I love that she isn't with Joseph at all, haha. But ah. I really do wish that Mirabella will find someone else to love, maybe. I'm curious to know more about her.

Then there is my precious Katharine. I loved her so in book one. And I still love her tons. But gosh. Kat is so changed in this one. After what happened to her at the end of the previous book, I can't really blame her. But it was such a brutal change. The soft and kind Kat is gone. And she is horrible in this book. So so terrifying, to be honest. I liked it at times. But most of the time I wanted to murder her. Hmph. But I still have hope for my Kat. I think she can get better. Maybe. I hope so. I want the best for her. Ack. Nervous.

There are so many characters in this story. I can't begin to mention all of them. So I'm not going to. But I will talk about Natalia a little bit. She is the foster mother of Kat, and she's pretty amazing. And yet totally scary and fierce. She's in this book a lot, and I loved that. There is also Jules's mother. I cannot decide what I really feel about her. She's kind of awful, to be honest, haha. Yet I can't help but feel that I like her a little bit too. But maybe not too much, after learning some of the things that she has done lately. Hmph.

So much happens in this precious sequel. There is a lot of death. There is a lot of poison. A lot of hurt people. There is a big hunt, which broke my heart, yet was so amazing to read about. There are a lot of battles between the three queens. Where they try to kill each other. And oh, I don't want any of them to die. But I fear that it will happen. How rude. I want them all to live. Ahh. There was one small thing that bothered me; how Kat treated Pietyr. I don't like jealousy and such. Hmph. But it passes. Well, I hope so.

There is so much more that I could say about this book. But I'm not going to say much more now. Already said much more than I had planned. I just loved this book oh so much. And I'm thrilled that I got to read it early. Thank you so much to the publisher for the auto-approval on Edelweiss. Eee. One Dark Throne is a bloody sequel. It's a dangerous yet fun story. The three queens are amazing. This book was everything I wanted it to be. Despite all the death and all the rudeness. You must read it when you can. So stunning.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Book Recommendation: Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake

I wasn't sure if my heart could handle re-reading this book. Yet I couldn't not read it again, before reading book two, as it has been a whole year already since I first read this one. And oh, I'm glad that I chose to read it again. As I do feel like I had forgotten a bunch of details. Hmph. But also because I am now less afraid. I loved reading this book for the second time. I was scared that I wouldn't, but I did. I loved it so much. It didn't break my heart as much this second time, but I'm still angry and hurt about those things.

I don't even know what to say about this book this second time. I'm too scared to read my first review, lol. And I don't think I will mention everything that happens. But oh, how I need to talk about this book again, even so. Because there is so much about this book that I love. Despite those things that make me hurt beyond words. I will talk about those things too. But first all the good stuff. Eee. And there is a lot of that. Which is why this book is again a five star for me. Because I loved reading it oh so much. Still so perfect.

The writing in this book is just perfect. I love it so much. Just as I love Kendare like crazy. All her books are amazing. And I cannot wait to read more books by her. I loved reading Three Dark Crowns again so much. Yes, it is still heartbreaking and rude, but I still love most of it to pieces. And I really think that you should all read this book if you haven't already. It is worth all the pain. Well, I hope it will be worth all the pain, haha. But I think it will be. Especially now that there are four books instead of just two. So excited. 

Three dark queens
are born in a glen,
sweet little triplets
will never be friends

This tells the story of three girls. Three queens. Three sisters. Triplets. They just turned sixteen years old, which is the year they will fight each other to death, for the throne. Only one will win. The others must die. They haven't seen each other since they were six years old. They don't know each other. They are alike in some ways, yet so different too. Each queen have their own power aka magic. Katharine has the gift of poison. Arsinoe is a naturalist. Mirabella is an elemental. All powers were so so interesting to read about.

I love these characters more than I can say. My favorite of them all is still Jules, the best friend of Arsinoe. She is simply the most amazing and the girl that I love the most. She's so kind and loving and she's hurt so much and I am very protective of her. I want the best for this girl. Sniffs. I'm worried. Also, her familiar is the most amazing. Adorable. And ahh, Arsinoe. I loved her even more this time around. She's such a sweet girl and I grew to love her so much more. She is so strong and brave and awesome. I adore her.

And oh, Katharine. She's my second favorite, though I might love her and Arsinoe the same. I'm unsure. Katharine is just all kinds of awesome and I just love reading about her. I love that she's not immune to poison at all. I love how she's shy at first, but that she gets stronger and braver. I loved her relationship with her boy. Sniffs. I want them to end up together so badly. Didn't like reading a bit about his past, aw, but I adored him even so. He was pretty cute and I loved reading about them together. Need lots more.

Three dark sisters
all fair to be seen,
two to devour
and one to be Queen

But ah. Mirabella. She is the queen that I liked the least. But I can't say that I really have a real reason for disliking her. I'm hating on her because of what happens with Joseph, because Jules is hurt. But to be fair, it wasn't Mirabella's fault. And I can't really blame her for it at all. Ugh. But I do. A little bit. But even so. She is a pretty amazing character to read about. I loved her relationship with her friends. I loved her powers. I really liked that she remembered her sisters from before. But yeah, I just couldn't love her. Aw.

But I loved reading about Arsinoe and Billy together. Eee. I ship them so badly. And they are simply the cutest. I need a kiss soon, though. I want them to fall in love. Pretty please. So cute. And Katharine and her boy. Such a sweet romance too, though not with the best ending. Ack. I'm nervous. Especially after peeking at book two, lol. Worried about everyone. I love these characters so much. They are amazing to read about and I'm so glad that I decided to re-read this book now. That I loved it the same way again.

I can't not mention Joseph. Sigh. He and Jules just started together, as he had been away for five years. They were best friends before he was banished. When he came back, they became more than friends. And oh, I loved reading about them together so much. I ship them badly. Jules loves him so much. But yeah. This romance gets ruined. And in the worst possible way. A way that I hate beyond words. I still hope that it wasn't Joseph's fault. Because I still want him and Jules to be together. Sniffs. Maybe. Ahh.

There is just so much in this book. I loved reading about all three girls so much. I loved getting to know them and getting to know their lives and getting to know all the people around them. And oh, this island. It's beautiful to read about. And horrible too. And I want to know so much more. The plot is pretty exciting too. Not going to say anything about it, just that it's awesome and I love it so. This book is still perfect to me. Despite my broken heart. Despite that evil ending. Ack. Such a stunning story. Go read it. Right now.