
Saturday, April 22, 2017

In My Mailbox #285

I wish I could say that I have read this week. But I still haven't. Sobs. And I'm behind on commenting too. I simply still feel awful all the goddamn time. The wound is healing. But that other part they did to me is hurting all the damn time. And it's bothering me so much. Hurts all day long. And all night long too. I have to get up many times. And oh, it sucks so much. Think I only have to feel this pain for two more weeks. Going back to the hospital on May 4th; day after my birthday. Ahh. Going for a check up, and hopefully, finally, getting more medicine too :D And then I will feel better. I hope. Sigh. I just, yeah. I'm tired of this pain all the time. Tired of not being able to read. Or comment. Or do much of anything. Sigh. Just hoping to heal faster now. Fingers crossed. Anyway. I did get some gorgeous mail this week :D And I'm really happy with all of it. <3 Yay. Stunning books. Stunning doll. Love. Didn't blog much though; only two posts. Aw. I shared the Title Reveal for Illuminae #3 :D This week I'm waiting on The Boy on the Bridge. <3

Thick as Thieves + York + Dreamfall. Eee! Thank you so so much HarperCollins International :) These three ARCs all look stunning. And I cannot wait to read all of them. Fingers crossed I'll love them all :)
Nevernight. Eee! The audio is mine :D So goddamn expensive. But worth it. It's huge and so gorgeous.
Dorbz. Stunning Moana one :D Love. And Gizmo. Eee. He's so cute. I love getting pop and dorbz figures.
The Perfect Stranger. This book I liked a whole bunch. Eee. And the hardcover is so stunning. Go get it.
Missing. I enjoyed this book a lot, despite not loving it. But I still wanted to own it, hih. It is so so pretty.
Blacksouls Swag. Thank you so much Nicole :D This pre-order swag is all kinds of gorgeous. <3 Pretty.
Moana. Eee! I forgot to take a picture of her too, lol, so she's my instagram photo. I didn't get to buy this new limited doll via the Disney Store, because they messed up that day, so I had to get her from ebay. A bit more expensive.. but worth it. It was my hospital gift to myself, haha. She's gorgeous. Love her tons.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Aw I hope you feel better soon! I'm sorry you're having such a rough time lately. But your book haul is lovely :)

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. What a wonderful haul, Carina! I can't wait to read Dreamfall, it sounds really good and I've enjoyed Amy Plums books in the past. The Moana doll is so beautiful! Take care, sweetie. Get lots of rest ♥

  3. So happy to hear you enjoyed The Perfect Stranger, Carina! I know it's not your usual kind of read, but it was pretty thrilling, right? :)


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