
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday #282

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:


When Reece Murphy is forcibly dragged into the Rose Riders gang because of a mysterious gold coin in his possession, he vows to find the man who gave him the piece and turn him over to the gang in exchange for freedom. Never does he expect a lead to come from an aspiring female journalist. But when Reece's path crosses with Charlotte Vaughn after a botched train robbery and she mentions a promising rumor about a gunslinger from Prescott, it becomes apparent that she will be his ticket to freedom—or a noose. As the two manipulate each other for their own ends, past secrets are unearthed, reviving a decade-old quest for revenge that may be impossible to settle.

In this thrilling companion to Vengeance Road, dangerous alliances are formed, old friends meet new enemies, and the West is wilder than ever.

Expected publication: November 7th 2017 by HMH Books for Young Readers
Pre-Order here and here

I think I will love this book a whole bunch. It's so so gorgeous looking. Sigh. And I adored the previous book a whole bunch :D A bit sad that this isn't a sequel to Vengeance Road, yet also excited to meet these new characters. They both sounds awesome. And the plot seems so good. Eee. I'm so excited.
What are you waiting for on this western Wednesday?


  1. Yaaasss! I can't wait to read this book. It's so exciting that Bowman decided to write a book to follow Vengeance Road - that book was excellent. I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a fabulous week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. Still haven't read Revenge Road. Bah.

  3. Love the cover! Hope you like the insides as well, Carina! :)

  4. Same same same! I'm so excited for this one, Carina. And the cover is gorgeous <3
    Megan @

  5. Wow, that cover! I still haven't read the first book actually, but I remember you liked it. I had assumed this would be a proper sequel - but hopefully a companion book will be plenty to satisfy you :)


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