
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Review: Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I have finally read this book again. Eee. I cannot believe I let it go more than three years before I did this. Graceling have been my favorite for years. I was a bit nervous about reading it again, this time for the fifth time, as I worried that I wouldn't love it as much as I did years before. I shouldn't have worried. It is the best book.

Graceling is still my favorite book. The characters are beyond amazing. And I love this romance more than I can say. This book still made me cry, even though this is the fifth time I have read it. Sigh. It is simply the most beautiful story. And I'm thrilled that I loved it just as must this time, despite the years since last time.

This is a book that I could talk about forever, I think. But I'm not going to. I'm going to mention some of the parts I love about it, but nothing too much. Though, if you still haven't read this book yet, as it had been out for nine years, then shame on you. Hmph. This is a book that everyone should read. You don't want to miss this. I cannot wait to re-read Fire and Bitterblue next. So excited. Have missed these books so much. My mind is already full of the things that I know are coming up and I'm so excited to be in this world again. Sigh. I just wish there were news about more books from this world. I want more than three. I want it so badly. I need another Po and Katsa story more than I need anything else. They are simply the most amazing characters. Love them so.

This book tells the story about Katsa. Whom is the most interesting character. I love reading about her so much. She's exciting and fierce and strong and I love that about her. She's killed a lot of people, because her king demands it of her. But she doesn't like it. Reading about her rebelling was all kinds of awesome. I just adore this girl. I love that she had the most amazing Grace. Which is this gift that some people get when they are young. Most people doesn't have a Grace. It's this kind of power that is pretty awesome.

Katsa is such a fierce fighter. No one can defeat her. And I loved it oh so much. But then Po arrives. And he's just as good as she is, almost. And watching them fight together.. sigh. It was so awesome. I adore these two characters beyond words. Reading about how Katsa and Po became friends, then more, was the most amazing thing. They are so cute. Their love is the strongest. I also really loved reading about Katsa's other friends. Raffin is adorable. Bann and Oll too. Giddon.. not so much. But he'll grow on me.

There is just so much about this book that I love. I'm not going to mention much of the plot. Just that it is so exciting and mysterious and I loved it beyond words. I love the sort of adventure that Katsa and Po goes on. It's the best. But gosh, this book is heartbreaking. And I loved every moment of it. There isn't really that much about Leck in this first book. But yeah. He was still horrible, and learning about what he does is the worst. But his daughter, Bitterblue. Oh, I adore this little girl so much. She's just so amazing.

I'm not going to mention much more about this book. Already written more than I had planned to. Just, gosh, I love this story so much. There are seven kingdoms. And I want to know more about all of them. Loved what I did learn, though. I love how amazing Katsa is. She truly is the strongest person. And she has the best heart. She will anger me a bit in Bitterblue, but I still love her to pieces. And Po. Eee. He's my favorite. I love learning more about this man. He is amazing. And his Grace is perfection. Love him.

I'm so thrilled to finally have read this book again. It's been way too long. I just haven't felt like re-reading it for three years. I could say that I don't know why, but, well. I do. The last time I read this, I wrote a very, very long letter to Kristin. Was really excited, waiting for a reply. Then she had a goodreads chat, and I asked about it, and she sort of told me that she wouldn't be able to respond. Which made my heart hurt a bunch. But I do understand. I do. I just got my feelings hurt a bit, lol. But it's better now. I do adore Kristin.

For real, if you still haven't read Graceling, then get moving. This book is the best. These three books are beyond amazing. And I love them all like crazy. You really need to read and love them too. I can't imagine never loving this book and these characters. Sigh. Graceling is simply the best book. With the very best characters, the best story, and the best romance. I love everything about this book. And this world. And gosh, I'm so glad I finally made myself re-read this one. It still has everything I want in a book. Love it so.


  1. Already had this book on my TBR, but I'm so curious because of all the good reviews!

  2. I love this book so much. When I read it, I just couldn't put it down. I remember I read it in less than a day.

    Happy readings! ;)

  3. Aw shame on me I guess because I am one of those people who hasn't read this yet after nine years X) I'm not even sure what the hold up is, honestly. I have a really good feeling that I'll love it just as much as you - Katsa and Po sound amazing - I guess I just have yet to manage to squeeze it into my reading lineup. I do own it though, so hopefully sometime this year :D

  4. I really enjoyed this book - although I still haven't gotten around to reading BItterblue! Hopefully I will get to it this year, thanks for reminding me :) Great review!

  5. Totally worth the five stars and the rereads! I read this one first (before Fire, which publication-date-wise, makes sense), and I liked it, but I loved Fire more. Still, I adored this book. I need to reread it as well! I have Fire memorized, but this one, not quite. Wonderful review, Carina!

    Have a fantastic week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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