
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Review: Flashfall by Jenny Moyer

I'm so thrilled to say that I loved this book the most. I had seen so many others enjoy it, yet I was still unsure whether I would enjoy it or not. Yet so curious. I'm thrilled that I gave this book a chance. Because I loved it so much. I am so glad I read it. This book is amazing. And I need the next book more than anything.

There is much I loved about Flashfall. I'm not going to describe much about the plot, only a few small things. But oh gosh, how amazing it was. The writing is stunning, which was so awesome. The characters were all the best. I adored the main girl so much. Orion was simply the very best. Really loved getting to know her.

The story in this book was heartbreaking and yet fun too. Loved every moment of it. And the romance too. It's beyond beautiful. Loved it to pieces. Wish there had been more kissing, lol, but I adored what was there. So perfect. I hope it doesn't change in book two. Don't think it will, but some authors do seem to enjoy killing off their characters. Still. Don't think it will happen in this. And I think the romance will be even better in book two, and ah. I'm so excited. I just wish I could read it right now. Sigh. Anyway. Flashfall was all kinds of stunning. A lot of the book takes place inside a mountain. And that reminded me so so much of The Descent, which is a horrifying horror movie. Loved that this book was almost the same. Flashfall is dark. Dark and beautiful.

This book is told from the point of view of Orion. She's almost seventeen years old. And she is beyond amazing. I loved getting to know her so much. She's so kind and sweet and just the very best. There is no drama with her at all. Which I loved a lot. Loved getting to know details about her family. Her father was amazing. I felt so sad that her mother and brother were dead. Loved reading about them, though. Loved how she felt about her family. Orion was just amazing. Really loved reading from her point of view.

Orion has a best friend, Dram. He is eighteen years old, and they have been friends forever. They mine together. They trust each other. And they just have the best friendship. I loved reading about them. And gosh, I loved Dram. So much. He's simply amazing. And eee, I loved how Orion began to have feelings for him, how she realized it. And how the romance began. Sigh. It was beautiful. I need more of it. I loved how amazing they were together. No drama at all. No fighting. It was so perfect. Need more of these two.

I loved the world in this book. It's dark and awful. Yet the characters are making the best of it. Orion lives in a very small town, on a mountain. Which she and her people are forced to mine every day, looking for something that others need to survive. Orion and her people are a bit different, and they don't die while looking for the cirium, but the radiation is still slowly killing them all. Which was so heartbreaking to read about. And I need that to be fixed for a character in book two. I'm so nervous for him. Need happy ending.

Anyway. The plot in this book is so exciting. If the sixty people in this town mine enough cirium they will be able to go to a city, to be free. But it is impossible to mine that much. Except that Orion is so close to getting it done. As she's even more special. And ahh, I loved that lots. Anyway. This world. This world is slowly killing them all. There is this curtain of death, you could call it, that is fully deadly. And so reading about it was pretty awful yet so interesting. I can't describe it right. Just that it's awful yet so fascinating.

There are tons of way to die in this book. And a lot of people end up dead. And gosh, such horrible ways to die. There are creatures in these mountains. And it was awful to read about them. Orion get hurt so often. And Dram too. And it's simply horrible. Yet I loved those parts the most, lol. I love reading about when my favorite characters are hurt. It was awful, and so perfect. I loved how they healed each other, and took care of each other. So beautiful. Sigh. I just loved these characters so, so much. My precious.

So much about this book was perfection. And I haven't talked about a lot of it at all. And I'm not going to. Just. Read this book. Read it right now. It's stunning. And I cannot wait to read it again, before book two is out. Eee. So excited. Cannot wait for the sequel. It shall be perfect. Sigh. Flashfall was truly amazing. Full of stunning romance and friendships. Horrifying creatures and other things. This book was perfection. So interesting and exciting and I loved every moment of it. Eee. So hope there will be many more books.


  1. YAY! I am SO glad that you ended up loving this book! It was hands-down one of my favorite books of 2016. Perfection indeed! I can't remember if I gave the book five stars or not, but if I didn't, I probably should have. o_o We need Flashtide ASAP!

    Wonderful review, Carina! Have a great weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. Awesome! So happy you enjoyed this one so much. Love the cover and it sounds like a fantastic book. Can't wait to read it!


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