
Saturday, March 18, 2017

In My Mailbox #280

I have been reading a lot this week. YAY. I finally re-read the Graceling books. <3 And gosh, I'm so, so happy that I did so. They are just so perfect. Sniffs. So glad I finally made myself read them again, lol. Been too long since the last time. Ack. Anyway. I had a good week. Health isn't the best, but dealing with it. Having issues with other things in my life, which is just the most stressful. Gah. Hopefully that will be sorted out shortly too. This week I also got some stunning mail. <3 But oh.. I wasn't able to get the new Moana limited edition doll from Disney. And I'm so so angry and upset about it. I wanted it the most. But it got sold out before I could enter my payment details, which is beyond weird, because if I didn't have time, no one else would have had the time either. Ugh. But anyway. This week I posted a bunch of reviews. I shared my review of Graceling. <3 And my review of Fire :D And my review of Bitterblue. <3 And my review of Winterkill :) This week I'm waiting on The Glass Spare. I'm so happy to be reading a lot lately. Eee. Also not that far behind on stuff either, which is also good. Just wishing I was feeling better with my health too. Hmph. I'm just waiting for May, to be able to get my spa bath up again :D I'm so so excited.

Moana Snow Globe. Ahh. Look how gorgeous it is :D Eee. I love this one. Couldn't resist buying this.
Hunted. I loved this book so, so much. Want all the copies of it. It's such a stunning book. Eee. Love it.
We Can Be Mended. Hahahaha. I have heard spoilers. Not happy. Doubt I will read this. But will own it.
Tsum Tsum. Eee. So many new plushes :D All the new Bambi ones. And more. They are just the cutest.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Your cat wants to go hunting in the snow. I see that picture and think that. Your plush is awesome. I hope you love all of your new books.

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm coming to steal those Tsum Tsums! Especially the Bambi ones. And also Dumbo! ♥

    My STS post

  3. Awww, I'm sorry you didn't get the item in time! Believe me, Disney collector's items sell out very quickly. Hopefully next time you'll get the opportunity!

    I need to take a leaf out of your book and reread the Graceling books! Fire, I feel like I know cover to cover, but Graceling, I need a reread. And Bitterblue, well, I still need to read it. o_o

    I hope you enjoy all of your new goodies and Hunted! Have a wonderful weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Glad you've gotten some reading in. Sorry you've got a lot of stress on top of health issues. You have a good attitude though. Love seeing what you got.

  5. Aw, I love the Tsum Tsums!! The Bambi ones are so cute. Pretty finished copy of Hunted, too! Glad to hear you loved this one! Hope you're feeling better soon, Carina!


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