
Monday, February 27, 2017

Review: Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer

This was my first time reading a graphic novel. And it was the best book I could have chosen to be my first. Ever since I first read Cinder all those years ago, I have wanted to know more about Iko. And getting this whole book about her, eee, it was simply perfection. I only wish that this had been even longer.

But there will be a volume two next year, and oh gosh, I'm so excited. Hoping it will be longer too. This graphic novel was just all kinds of amazing. I loved it so much. Getting to read more about these characters were the best thing. The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite series. I love it beyond words.

I really enjoyed reading this one. As always, Marissa has such stunning writing. While there isn't that much written in this one, there was enough and it was all so perfect. I simply love these characters and this story oh so much. Wires and Nerve takes place after Winter, but yet before the epilogue in Stars Above. While this is the story of Iko, we get to read about all the other characters too, and it made me thrilled. I adore them so much. And oh, the illustrations in this book. They were all so gorgeous. I wish there had been more color, as just about everything is blue, but I didn't mind too much. It's still stunning. And I loved how all the characters were drawn. Not fully the way I imagine them at all, but still so pretty, and I really did love looking at them.

This story wasn't all that long, yet it was fully fantastic. Gosh, I love this world Marissa has created. I hope she never stops writing about these characters. Though I fear there won't be more after the next graphic novel. Ahh. I hope I'm wrong. Because I feel I will never be done reading about Cinder and Kai, Scarlet and Wolf, Cress and Thorne, Winter and Jacin, Iko and Kinney. Just love these characters beyond words. And reading about them all is the very best. I loved getting updates on them all. Adore their relationships.

Wires and Nerve is mostly about Iko. And gosh, how I love this girl. She's all kinds of amazing. And I just love getting to know her better. In this story, she's hunting for the wolf-hybrid soldiers that went missing on Earth after the war. And ahh. I loved reading about her looking for them. Iko is all kinds of fierce. She's awesome at hunting. She got so many of them. And it was really interesting to read about, and watch all the drawings too. These soldiers are still all kinds of horrible. And I hope Iko gets them all. She's the best.

I really loved how Iko spends time with just about all the old characters in this book as well. Her friendship with Cinder is the very best thing. Iko doesn't spend too much time with Kinney in this one, will be more in book two, but ahh. Reading about these two together is all kinds of fun. I ship them like crazy. Want them together so badly. Though I do need him to treat her better first. Hmph. And change his views on things as well. But yeah, I liked Kinney a lot. And I need more of him and Iko so badly. They are just the cutest.

I'm not going to say more about this one. Just that I loved it oh so much. And that I'm dying for part two. And that I love these characters more than I can say. If you are a fan of these books too, then you must read Wires and Nerve. Because this book is beyond amazing. Perfect for old and new fans. The story is interesting and so much fun too. The characters are, as always, the very best. Iko is just adorable. I'm so happy to finally have read this graphic novel. And so happy to say that I loved it so much. Was so perfect.


  1. I read Cinder and it wasn't for me so I didn't continue with the series, but I'm glad you enjoyed this one! It's pretty unique to continue a book series in graphic novel form :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  2. Hi Carina, looks like a good one! It would be great if you added your review to the Books You Loved: March collection over at Carole's Chatter. If you would like to join in the fun please schedule a reminder for the first Wednesday of each month. The collection starts at 7am New Zealand time – which is probably some time Tuesday your time Cheers

  3. I also enjoyed this graphic novel. I loved seeing how all of the characters looked.

    Thanks for sharing your review!


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