
Saturday, February 25, 2017

In My Mailbox #277

This week have been all kinds of awful, ack. Yet good too. I got my usual medicine on monday, which went fine, but then the day after I got really sick. And I am still so, so sick. I suppose it is just a cold from hell. My ears are shut almost all the time, my nose is awful, and I keep having to cough too, which is so painful. Ahh. I have just zero energy left. Ugh. Oh, and my taste has left me too. I'm not okay with being sick like this too. Hmph. So unfair. But yeah. I think, maybe, I'm starting to get better. I feel awful today. Yet a tiny, tiny bit better than yesterday. But despite this, I did have a good week. I also blogged a whole bunch. I read two books. I'm catching up to shows. Haven't catched up to commenting yet, but soon. Still haven't finished my Chicago post, but almost done writing it, just need to put the pictures together too :) Up tomorrow or Monday. I have also, finally, gotten my new chair :D Eee. It's huuuge. And expensive. But so comfy. I really needed it. I also got much more mail this week, and it all looks gorgeous. Yay. I'm just hoping that the sickness will pass fast. Not sure what I'm reading next, but shall figure it out soonish :) I want to re-read A Darker Shade of Magic, so that I can finally read the next two books. I did peek so, so much on book three, haha :D Anyway. This week I blogged so much. I posted my review of Beanstalker and Other Hilarious Scarytales :) I shared about the cover for One Dark Throne. <3 This week I'm waiting on The Fallen Kingdom :D I posted my review of Missing :) Shared the cover for Into the Bright Unknown. <3 Then I posted The Book of Dust news :D Eee! Will be posting more cover reveals this coming week too. There are just so many news lately. Loving it all :) So for the most part, I had a pretty good week.

The Son of Neptune. Yay for gorgeous graphic novel :D I loved this book a lot, trying this version one day.
The Wish Granter. This book was so, so good. Yay for it finally being out :D This hardcover is stunning.
The Valiant. Reading this one soonish :D I'm pretty excited about it. So many love it. Hope that I will too.
Long May She Reign. I was a bit mixed about this one, but I did like it, and I wanted to own it. Gorgeous.
The Forbidden Wish. I loved this book. And I really needed this gorgeous paperback edition of it. Love.
A Conjuring of Light. Eee, this book is big and gorgeous. I cannot wait to read all of it pretty soon. Yay.
Movies. I love Huntsman. Needed this edition, haha. The BFG.. not so good. But giving it another try, lol.
Pop Figures. More figures have arrived :D And they are all gorgeous. Must buy the other W figures too.
Pokemon. I couldn't help but buy these pokemon cards, hih. I used to collect when I was much smaller.
Nevernight bookmarks. Eee. My newest Happy Hello bookmarks :D I love this book. Love these so much.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awwww, Carina, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been sick! It sounds like a different kind of sick - with the ridiculous weather changes happening here, a lot of people have been getting sick. Not cool!

    Your shiny new hardcovers are gorgeous! I want to get a hardcover of The Valiant. But I'm on a book buying ban, so maybe not anytime soon. ;D I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Have a lovely weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. Really curious about Valiant. Have you read it?

  3. Hehe, I saw your new chair and cozy kitty on your Instagram---so cute! Aw, I'm sorry to hear your sick, Carina! That's no fun, but glad your medicine trip went well. All the books you got this week are so pretty! I'm especially in love with the cover for The Wish Granter. So gorgeous!


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