
Friday, January 20, 2017

Review: Shadows of the Lost Sun by Carrie Ryan & John Parke Davis

I have waited so long for this book. And finally I have gotten to read it. Eee. This book was worth the wait. I just loved it so, so much. I do feel that it was way too short, though, lol. Waiting for book four will be torture. Because this book ends in a pretty bad place, and I am dying to know what happens next. Cannot wait.

I can't describe how much love I have for this series. They are just such amazing books. And gosh, the artwork. It is beyond stunning. And it all fits so well with the story. And I just love it the most. The writing in this third book was all kinds of awesome. I loved reading every moment of this book. It was simply so good.

There is so much I loved about this one. I'm not sure where to begin. There is tons more magic in this third book, and it is all incredible. And awful too. And I loved reading it all so much. This book is the darkest of the three, I think. Maybe the saddest one too, at times, at least. There is just so much happening at all times. And then there was that ending. I don't even know how Marrill and Fin will fix all of this. Gosh. But I know that they can. Because these two characters are the most amazing. And oh, how I love reading about them both. How I adore their friendship. It is the sweetest thing. I hope that they will one day be more than friends, though, hih. Crossing my fingers for that. Though I worry, because I'm very unsure how these books will end. Ack.

This whole book is an adventure. And I love that so much. Reading about Fin and Marrill is just the best thing. I adore them both so much. And I love getting to know them more and more. A lot of this book is about Fin, and his past, his family. There are so many things that got revealed. And my heart is breaking because of it all. I just love Fin the most. And I want him to be loved the most too. And I just. I need other people to remember him too. Hmph. But yeah, I really loved getting to know about his family. Just, sad.

I love that Remy is still there. She is the most awesome babysitter, lol. I really adore reading about her. She's fun. And shipping her and Coll so much. Ack. There is also more about Coll in this book. I loved that too. But I am so, so worried as well. Gosh. But yeah, learning more about Coll was all kinds of fun. Yet pretty awful too, because his past is not good at all. Aw. But even so. I adore Coll. He's an awesome character to read about. Him and Remy are both the sweetest. I still love the Naysayer, lol. He's great.

This book is also more about the old wizard, Ardent. I'm unsure what to think about him now. He was a lot more cold in this book. And that bothered me. I had so many times where I didn't like him at all. Aw. But other times he was all kinds of awesome too. Hmph. Ardent just spends all his time searching for the love of his life, Annalessa. And I did feel for him. Because some of the things he found out was heartbreaking. But I'm also really upset with this man. Hmph. He was a bit too obsessed, I think. And that made him bad.

There is a lot of new characters in this book. Like this new girl, who like Fin cannot be remembered by others. Marrill names her Fig, and oh, I loved that so much. At first I was worried that this new girl would come between Marrill and Fin, since he's spending time with her, but that never happened. And I'm so glad about that. I also hope beyond words that Fin and Fig won't become more than friends, lol, because that would just break my heart. Aw. Anyway. I did adore Fig. She was an mostly awesome person. Yay.

There is this one thing that bothered me about this book, though. Which makes me a bit sad. Aw. See, the summary says that Marrill and Fin will be without Ardent and Coll in this book. Yet that was not the case at all. They are with them all the time, until the end of the book. In the next book, they will be without them. But I kept waiting for it to happen in this book, because the summary said so. How rude. But still, despite that misleading, I loved the book the most. And I didn't mind that part. Just a little bit annoying.

I'm not sure what else to say about this precious book. I loved it beyond words. It was such an amazing third book. Eee. I just cannot wait for the next one. Hoping that book four won't be the last one. Fingers crossed. I never want to stop reading about Fin and Marrill. Just hoping that the wait for book four won't be too awful, lol. Shadows of the Lost Sun was the most gorgeous book. Full of adventure and amazing characters. This book broke my heart so, so often. I loved it the most. Go read these three books. Now.


  1. This book is so you. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it, C.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. This sounds like an amazing book and series. The cover is awesome! I will have to check out this series. Great review! :)


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