
Monday, January 30, 2017

Review: Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth

I have been excited about reading this book for a long time now. Because I have liked Veronica for a lot of years, and this book looked all kinds of amazing and sounded so good. Finally got to read it, and I am so happy with how much I loved this. Because it was truly an awesome book. Shall share all my thoughts about it.

I have seen people having issues with some parts of this book. And while I personally did not notice anything racist, I know that everyone reads a book different. Everyone has the right to feel the way they want about a book. And when it comes to me, I did love this book. And I think that everyone should give it a try too.

There is just so much I loved about this book. I don't know where to start. The characters in this book were written so well. I loved reading about them all beyond words. Getting to know Akos and Cyra was the most exciting thing. They are truly such interesting characters, and I loved them both so much. They are so broken. And so strong. And, yeah. I adored them. And shipped them so much, haha. There is some stunning romance in this book. Not as much as I thought there would be, but still a lot. And it is gorgeous. They fit together so well. I'm also really happy about the ending of this book, because while there is still so much that shall happen in book two, this ended in a happy way, for the most part. Gosh, I'm excited about reading more from this world.

I'm not going to mention much about the world and how things are there because I would not be able to describe it at all. But yeah, this book takes place in space, sort of. There are different planets. Different people, different culture. And there is the currentstream. Which I can't describe at all. Just that I loved reading about it. I loved how it gave every person a power, a gift, a curse. Depends on how you look on it. It was so interesting to know how it affected each person, to know what they all could do. I loved it a lot.

This book is told from the point of view of Cyra and Akos. And oh, how I loved reading about them both, from both point of views. Getting to know Cyra was all kinds of interesting. Her mom seemed like a good person, before she died. Her father seemed like the worst, before he died. And right now her brother is the worst person in the world, I think. Shudders. He was awful. Yet such an interesting villain too. I liked reading about him and Cyra, and their past, though most of it just broke my heart. Hmph. Did not like him.

I simply loved reading about Cyra. She is such a strong person, despite spending all her time being in pain. Her power is the power of causing others pain, but she is also in pain all the time. Which sounded like the worst thing. I also suffer all the time, so I know the feeling well. But Cyra is all kinds of strong even so, and I loved that. I loved how she started to resist her brother. I loved how she started to see things differently. She changes who she is, but she has always been a gentle person. Adored her lots.

And oh, Akos. I loved him the most. Reading about his past just broke my heart. Yet it was so interesting too. He gets hurt a lot in this book. Which hurt my heart so much. Ack. Yet he is also one of the strongest people. Yet also broken, and oh so gentle. I loved how he couldn't really handle having to kill people. I loved how he felt about it all. I just loved this boy so much. His power was pretty amazing too, loved it. And eee, his friendship with Cyra was the most awesome thing. They fit together so well. Sigh. Adored it.

There is just so much I loved about this book. The story was awesome and so so interesting to read. The characters were written so well and they were all amazing. I loved them to pieces. The romance was so awesome too, and I simply loved this world. Space books are just my type of thing, lol. I loved the little moments that took place inside a spaceship. Some horrible, some sweet. I must say that this book was full of torture, though. Ahh. It broke my heart. What happened to Cyra.. I cannot. But it was done so well.

I'm giving this book four stars. Because despite loving it to pieces, I did have a few issues with the writing. It was a bit hard to get into the book for me, took some time before I started loving it. And the writing also confused me. I have no idea how much time took place in this book. I thought it was only a few months, from how it was written. Then it seemed for a time that a couple of years was supposed to have passed, and I didn't see that at all, ahh. It's a little confusing. Hoping it will be easier to understand in book two.

So yeah. I loved this book a whole bunch. I had a few small issues, but they were not very big. I found Carve the Mark to be an amazing book. Full of stunning characters and gorgeous romance. The plot was exciting and horrible and I loved reading every moment of it. Some might love this book, some might hate it. And either is totally fine. That is the whole point of reading. For me, this book was amazing, and I am beyond thrilled that I read it. And I would definitely read it again, because I loved it lots. You should try it.


  1. Damn, your description of the premise and world building of this book has got me soooo curious. It sounds pretty original! I'm glad you were able to read this and post your unbiased thoughts despite all the controversy surrounding it, and I hope I can do the same. Great thoughts, Carina :)

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed this, C. My friend from Sweden sent her copy here (to be mailed to her) so I might read it while I'm waiting for the rest of her package. Lol.


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