
Friday, January 13, 2017

Book Recommendation: City of Thirst by Carrie Ryan & John Parke Davis

Finally, I have had the chance to read this book a second time. And it never fails to break my heart. Ack. Such a sad book. Yet despite the sadness, this book is all kinds of fun too. I loved reading every moment of it. I think I loved it more this time than the first time I read it. Though that is hard to say, because I loved it the most both times I read it. Gosh, I just love this middle grade series the most. Cannot wait to finally get to read book three soon. Eee. I'm so excited. I hope there will be many more books from this world.

I don't mention it often enough, but these books have some amazing artwork. First there is the gorgeous covers. Which are just stunning. But there are also stunning drawings inside the book. Not too many, but enough, and they are so fun and gorgeous and I love them all the most. I wish they had been in color, but they are still gorgeous. I can't wait to see more in the next books. Because these drawings just make the books even better. And I just love looking at them all the most, lol. They are simply gorgeous. I love them.

There is so much to love in this book. And I don't know how else to describe it. It is such an amazing second book. It takes place about six months after the ending of book one. Which felt like such a long time, considering Fin was almost alone all that time, with no one to remember him at all. Again. Aw. I just. I love this boy to pieces. And this book made me feel so sad for him. And that makes me hurt a whole bunch. I want the best for Fin. I want him to be loved. And be remembered. To have people care for him.

But despite loving Fin the most, I love the other characters too. Marrill is all kinds of awesome. I really hope that her mom will get better. Aw. I also want all the best for Marrill, because I do adore her. Though, if I'm going to be honest, I was a bit upset with this girl in this book. Because of some things she does. Some things she forgets. I'm not sure I will forget it all that fast. I hope she'll make it better in book three, so that it will be easier for me to forgive her for it too. Because I need to. I'm crossing my fingers for that.

But either way, I still love this girl. I loved that in this book, she has a babysitter. Remy. And Remy is a big part of this book. I adored this older girl. She's awesome. And getting to know Coll and Ardent better was simply amazing too. I adore all of these characters so much. And reading about them all is just the best. I'm so glad I finally re-read these amazing books. Because they mean so much to me. And they are both so, so good. Well, all kinds of heartbreaking, but also the most fun. I love everything about this one. Yay.

City of Thirst is full of magic. And adventure. And I loved re-reading it the most. Most of this book takes place in a new city. And gosh, this place. I could never have been there. Shudders. But oh, how it was amazing to read about again. So different and so special too. There is so much I loved about this book. Every single thing. I cannot wait to read more about Fin and Marrill. Eee. I just, I need a happy ending for them both. Ack. If you still haven't read this amazing second book, then move it. It's so good. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I've only really heard of this series through you, Carina. No one else I follow is posting about it. But it doesn't matter, just your love for it has me thinking I def need to read it sometime! It really sounds like it would be right up my alley.


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