
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Best Books of 2016

Today I'm finally sharing my best books of this year :D I read a whole bunch of amazing books. And I loved some of them so much. Not including every book that I loved this year, but sharing about a few of them. My favorites. Sort of in the right order. Maybe. I also read a whole bunch of awful books this year, which is depressing. Next year I will try my best to only read amazing books, haha. While I didn't get to read a hundred books this year, I still managed to read 86 :) And I am happy about that. I just wish that I had gotten to read even more. But my health said no. Oh, well. I still read a bunch, and hoping to read even more next year. Sadly, this year I didn't get to re-read all the books that I wanted to. I'm going to re-read them all next year. Eee. I'm excited. My Goodreads Challenge. My Goodreads Year in Books.

This year I had to DNF two books. I rated five books with one star. I rated thirteen books with two stars. I rated fifteen books with three stars. I rated nineteen books with four stars. I rated thirty four books with five stars. I'm pretty happy about that. Though, well. I didn't love nearly enough books this year. How rude. Next year I will read much more books that will be amazing. I hope. Crossing all my fingers. But either way, I have read some huge favorite books this year. And I love them all so, so much. Have you read any of these books yet? And did you love them too? :D What are your favorite books this year?

1. Nevernight. This book was everything I wanted and more. But that ending pretty much destroyed me.
2. The Winner's Kiss. I was so happy about this final book. Heartbreaking yet the most amazing. Loved.
3. Heartless. I really loved this one. Despite that gut wrenching ending. I will never forget about this book.

4. Foxheart. This middle grade book was so stunning. Such an amazing fantasy novel; lovely characters.
5. Some Kind of Happiness. This was all kinds of heartbreaking. I loved it to pieces. Such a great book.
6. The Forgetting. It surprised me how much I loved this book. I shall never forget it. It was so amazing.

7. Hunted. This retelling was everything I wanted and more. It just about killed me with perfection. Swoon.
8. Lady Midnight. I loved this one. So, so much. I just wish it hadn't destroyed me as much as it did. Ack.
9. Gemina. Such an amazing sequel. I could not help but fall in love with all of the characters. So good.

10. Stars Above. These short stories were just the best. I loved that epilogue beyond words. So amazing.
11. The Wish Granter. This book was all kinds of perfect. Dark and awesome. I loved it oh so much. Eee.
12. The Thickety: The Last Spell. This was the most amazing ending to a stunning series. It was perfect.

13. Three Dark Crowns. So glad that I loved this one so much. Despite that ending. Ahh. I need more.
14. Crooked Kingdom. Gosh, how I wish this series had more books. This final one was simply amazing.
15. Like a River Glorious. I cannot wait to read the third book. This sequel was so good and evil. Loved.

16. The Safest Lies. It was so exciting and thrilling. Wish it had been even longer. I simply loved this one.
17. Blood For Blood. This book just about killed me. I'm not over that ending. Hmph. But it was so good.
18. The Forbidden Wish. Pretty amazing book. I loved it a whole bunch. I'm wishing for a sequel for this.



  1. Happy New Year, Carina!! This is such a great list---so excited to see Hunted and Wish Granter on there as I'm really looking forward to those. I posted my best-of list yesterday and we have two in common! :D Heartless and The Forgetting. Sigh..they were both so incredible. There so many titles I wanted to read that just got by me this year, like Forbidden Wish and Three Dark Crowns. Also, I need to pick up Foxheart and try to read it---I tried listening to the audiobook and the characters just came across as so unlikable and whiny, but I think that actually might have been the reader's fault. I hate when that happens lol. Anyhow, I hope you have a lovely 2017, sweetie!!

  2. Well, even though you did read a lot of crappy books, I think it's best to focus on all the really great 5 star books you read because their were so many of them and they all sound so amazing! I still need to try to get to a lot of these ones this year and I know I will love them as much as you did :) Here's to a new year and excellent reads and re-reads for you, Carina!

  3. I am glad there were so many books that you managed to enjoy this year! Even though there were a lot of rubbish ones too >.> It happens. I haven't read the majority of these but Nevernight and Three Dark Crowns are some I want to read this year!


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