
Saturday, November 26, 2016

In My Mailbox #265

I still haven't read anything. Sobs. I just do not have the energy or the will to read. Or the want, really. I hate that my health is so goddamn bad at the moment. Everything hurts. My body is killing me a bit. Ugh. It hurts to move. It hurts to sit still. It hurts to sleep. Every single thing hurts. Sigh. Plus side, finally, finally getting more medicine on December 1st, and then I shall start feeling better. I hope. I'm planning, hoping, to read tons in December. If I have the time.. because every December I take part in tons of Christmas calendar contests thingy here in Norway online each day. Takes ages. But I shall read too. Once my body feels better. Sigh. I really hoped to read something this week. I have even had a small book next to me all week long. I just never have the energy to pick it up. Ugh. Hopefully today. Or tomorrow. We'll see. Since I didn't read this week, I also didn't blog much. Aw. Especially since my book collection posts are on break too. Hmph. But I did post two things, so yeah, better than none :) I shared the gorgeous cover for Lord of Shadows :D This week I'm waiting on Shadows of the Lost Sun. <3 Despite not having the best week, as I'm in so much pain and such, I'm still feeling pretty happy. I got some gorgeous mail :D Eee. Got one of my most wanted ARCs from a lovely trade. <3 So, so happy. Also, I am so excited about it almost being Christmas :D Eee! Christmas stuff is getting put up in my house this weekend. It is all so pretty. Cannot wait for all the awesome food later in December, haha :) Hoping next week will be better.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. My hardcovers finally arrived :D They are gorgeous. And huge.
Gemina. Finally got my Australian edition of this gorgeous book :D So big. Love it. My final version :)
Heartless. Eee, two gorgeous UK editions of this lovely book :D They are so pretty. And different. Love.
Wolf By Wolf. I was missing this new UK paperback edition of this amazing book. Had to have it. Love.
Moana. I got this the week before, lol, just forgot to include it :D I want this movie. Sobs. February yet?
The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. AHHH! Thank you so much Cristina for trading with me :D Eeee! I am so, so happy to finally own this most precious ARC. <3 Now I have them all by Claire. Eee.
Lodestar. I couldn't help but buy this one signed and personalized :) It is so gorgeous. And all the swag.
The Legend of Tarzan + Ice Age 5. I loved both these movies a whole bunch. So I had to own them. <3
Beauty and the Beast Lego. There was a sale. I couldn't help but buy this pretty thing. Eee. I love it so.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The Cold Weather can affect your health as well. It sucks to be sick. Great selection of books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. Oh yes, I do hope you feel much better and can read once you get that medicine you need, Carina! Feel better soon, dear!

  3. Sorry you're in a not-so-great of a mood for reading. I get those, too. Love that Heartless cover! And I need to pick up a copy of Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.

    happy reading!

  4. Don't feel bad about not reading much! Your health comes first. Hopefully you take it easy this week and I'm hoping you feel a lot better.

    P.S. Have you seen the white Heartless edition, in the OwlCrate box? You need that one, for your collection! :D

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Oooh, the Christmas lights are so pretty!! We're all decorated up here in my house. I love the holiday season ♥ Oh, I'm loving that cover of Wolf by Wolf! I'm also super excited for Moana!


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