
Saturday, November 19, 2016

In My Mailbox #264

I haven't read anything this week. Sobs. And so I haven't blogged much either. Aw. I just haven't been feeling good at all. My body is in so much pain at all times. My stupid arthritis is acting up lately, because it has been more than nine weeks, instead of six, since I last got my medicine. The stupid hospital are messing with things, so I haven't gotten an appointment yet. I'm so upset about it. My body needs it. Sigh. So anyway. I'm still behind on everything. I'm still so behind on reading. I just hurt all the goddamn time. And I cannot do anything, because everything hurts. And so I spend most days just sitting here, doing nothing. Sigh. I wish I could have the energy to read. But I don't. And it just makes me so, so sad :( I'm so behind. Ugh. I'm going to a different doctor at the hospital this tuesday, to talk about changing place I get medicine. Hopefully getting more medicine on December 1st, but it isn't decided yet, sigh. So I'm unsure. But oh, how I hope so. It's already been way too long :( And December 1st is still forever away. Sobs. Anyway. I posted two new blog posts this time. I'm waiting on Caraval this week :) And I'm taking a Book Collection Break. Sobs. Because it is now winter and too dark to take any pretty pictures. Ugh. Which you can see below too.. with my pretty Heartless ARC box you can't even see the writing on it. Uuuugh. Next week I will have to use my ceiling light. Ack. I did get a bunch of gorgeous mail this week, though :D Which I'm so, so happy about. I just wish I was feeling better and reading too. Aw. Getting an amazing ARC trade next week, I think, and I'm thrilled about it. <3 Fingers crossed next week will be better for me.

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. Gorgeous UK hardcover :D With poster. Eee. I love it. So pretty.
Shadowhunters. And this gorgeous art book by Cassandra Jean. <3 She is awesome. And I love her art.
Walk on Earth a Stranger + Like a River Glorious + Three Dark Crowns. Eee :D My changing hands order finally arrived. YAY :D Signed and personalized books. <3 I adore all three books. So much. And these authors are just amazing. So glad I bought these :D You can see how they are signed here. Eee. Love.
Heartless. EEEE! Thank you so so much Jenna for sending me this ARC + box :D I'm so, so happy. <3
Miraculous Ladybug. I love love love this tv-show so much. <3 And these books from it are just so cute.
Trolls. I had to buy this book about the movie :) So cute. And a couple of the toy figures too :D Adorable.
Gemina. Yay! Finally got my gorgeous audiobook :D Not sure when I will ever listen to it, lol, but love it.
Robbie Williams. I bought this. But I only like the song Party Like a Russian, lol. But I LOVE that one.
Shannon Messenger Swag. Eee :D Thank you so much Shannon. Gorgeous Lodestar pre-order swag.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I haven't done much of anything else as well, C. I do have quite a book haul from the last two weeks, though.

    enjoy your books!

  2. Awesome haul of books this week. I hope you love all of them. Have a great weekend.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. OMG! You got a Heartless box/ARC! That is amazing! =) I hope you are doing a little better this week, Carina. *hugs*

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Aw, love, I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I hope the doctors figure themselves out soon so you can get what you need. I hope, too, that you can find a little escape into reading something wonderful this week. And YAY for the gorgeous Heartless box! I'm so glad you got one! Take care ♥♥♥


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