
Saturday, November 5, 2016

In My Mailbox #262

This week have been sort of better. The pain I was always in did leave me a week ago, so I'm thrilled about that. Though I was nauseous all this week and had zero energy. Ugh. But finally stopped taking antibiotics a couple of days ago. I think the nausea will finally go away. Eee. So fingers crossed they will let me get my medicine soon too, so that my stomach will be okay as well. Ugh. I wasn't sure if I would be able to read anything this week. Yet I managed to read two books :D For the first time in two weeks. So YAY. Feeling happy about that :) Hoping this means I'm finally ready to read more. Fingers crossed. This week I did blog a bunch. I shared about the Blood For Blood Launch Day :) This week I'm waiting on A Conjuring of Light. <3 I read Daughter of the Pirate King :D Loved it. My newest Book Collection post is books by Leigh Bardugo, part two :) And then I read 100 Hours. Which I hated. Sobs. This week I also got a bit of gorgeous mail. <3 And I love all of it so much. Yay :) Though I didn't have the best week, I also had a better week, so happy about that. Just, yeah. A bit upset about my signed book. Aw. More below.

The Lunar Chronicles Coloring Book. International. Ends 11/10.

Moana. Gah, I want this movie NOW. I simply adore all of these books from it. Eee. They are so so cute.
Lodestar + Neverseen. Yay for these gorgeous books :D I must re-read book one and two soon. Excited.
Blood For Blood. Stunning hardcover edition. Eee. I loved this book a whole bunch. Sigh. It's awesome.
Gemina. Eee! My signed copy :D Love that they all personalized it. <3 So happy. But. I paid over $50 for this one. Because Jay told me there would be bookmarks. And that I might get Nevernight bookmarks too. And my copy arrived with no bookmarks at all. I am so so disappointed. And sad. Just. So sad :(
Frozen. Sometimes I just cannot help but buy the Frozen books I think looks gorgeous. This is so cute.
Bookmarks. More HappyHello bookmarks :D Eee. They are all so gorgeous. And I love them all so much.
Trolls. I simply loved this movie. And I need everything about it. These cards and Pez are so gorgeous.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I hope you love all of your new books. I'm sad to hear that you were supposed to get bookmarks and they didn't come. Great stack this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you're on the mend! I know it's been such a long time and so hard, but yay good news! :)

    All the Moana books are SO cute! Have you seen the Pops? I wish there was one for her pig, Pua. A little one comes with the Moana, but I want a full size one! :)

    Aw, I'm sorry about your bookmarks! I hate that you have to pay so much to get everything, too. I have a signed copy of Gemina coming soon and am SO excited about it! :)

    I hope you have a great week, Carina!

  3. I hope you're feeling better!
    I'm so excited for Gemina! I'm sorry you didn't get bookmarks with it though. Awesome book haul! Love the adorable bookmarks!

  4. YAY! I'm glad you felt a little better, last week. Hopefully this week you can feel EVEN better. :D You got some great books this week! I love that signed edition of Gemina. Hopefully you can contact someone about the bookmarks?

    Have a lovely week, Carina!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Oh, I can't wait for Moana either!! Not too long of a wait now! So glad to hear you're feeling better---ugh antibiotics can be rough. Take care, sweetie, and enjoy all the new goodies! :*


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