
Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Thickety #1: A Path Begins

My fourth time reading this book. Gosh. I don't think I will ever not want to read this amazing middle grade book. Once the final book showed up on Edelweiss, I knew I had to re-read book one to three. But not because I cannot remember most of what happens, but because I love these books so much. And I'm so excited about reading them all once more. This story is simply amazing. And I love these characters so much. All the love. Also, those covers are beyond amazing. I love how they are matching. Sigh. Beautiful.

I just cannot describe how much I love this book. I mean, I have read it four times now. And each time I love it just a bit more. Because it is so beautiful. And heartbreaking. And all kinds of fun too, though there aren't many fun moments in it, lol. I love how dark this middle grade book is. I love how many awful things happen all the time. Yet there are some good people in it too. I love those the most. Everything about this book is perfection. I'm not going to say too much about it, since I have reviewed it so many times now, lol.

This book is about Kara, whom is twelve years old. And gosh, this girl is simply the most amazing. I love her so much. She's so strong and brave and kind and just too good of a person. Everyone have been treating her so badly for the past seven years, ever since her mom got killed for being a witch. And it made me hate those other people so much. Hmph. They were the worst. Ahh. But there were some who were good. Like Kara's brother, Taff, whom is seven years old. He is so cute. And kind. But also so sick.

There is just so much about this book that I love. And I'm not going to mention all of it, again, lol. Just going to say some amazing things about this book. Like the friendship between Kara and Lucas. It is the cutest thing. He is her only friend. And they are so good together. And I ship them so much. They are just the best of friends. And I love that so much. Lucas is so kind and awesome. I disliked a little bit how Kara was with him at times in this book, but she had reason for it, so I didn't mind too much. They are so cute.

This is a book about magic. About a book that you can use to make spells. But only if you are a witch, though. And ahh, this story is just so exciting. I simply love reading about Kara and her life. I so hated reading about how everyone treated her. Especially Grace. Shudders. She was the worst. And I dislike her more for each time I read this book, lol. But oh, this book was exciting even so. I'm always nervous about what will happen next, despite having read it four times now. It is so exciting. And evil. So good.

If you still haven't read this amazing book, then you really must read it now. I have read it four times. Least you can do is read it once, haha. I promise you that it is amazing. The writing is gorgeous. The characters are so interesting. The plot is exciting. And that ending is full of surprises. I cannot wait to re-read the next two books as well, and then get to read the fourth and final one. Eee. I don't have more to say about this book. Just that I love it the most. And I'm so glad I re-read it right now. It is so amazing.


  1. I have been wanting to start this series for a long time. I love the covers and the story line sounds right up my alley. I will have to check them out. Loved hearing your thoughts. :)

  2. I just finished book one and loved it! I'm hoping to binge read this series as the final book is out on EW. I love how these MG titles are so adaptable for adults to read. I wish more readers would try them.
    Lovely review, Carina :)


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