
Saturday, October 29, 2016

In My Mailbox #261

I thought last week was bad. Hahahaha. It was nothing compared to this week. My god. The pain I have been in.. shudders. This week have just been the worst. I have been in such awful pain all the time every day. It is finally, today, going better. But yeah. It wasn't good. It hurt more than I can describe. Sigh. Turns out I had a growing abscess, again, and it just about killed me. Ugh. I had a smallish fever every day and my blood tests weren't very good either. I have been taking antibiotics and pain killers every day. Just haven't been doing good at all. Aw. And so I have not managed to catch up to anything. I didn't even manage to read. I have just been feeling so awful all the time. But now starting to get better, I hope, so I shall be reading and catching up next week I hope :) Fingers crossed. I'm so tired of being sick all the time. Because of this infection I just had in my body, they did not give me my medicine when I went to the hospital on Wednesday. So I spent all that day in pain for nothing. And soon I have to go back there to get my medicine. Ugh. Just so annoying :\ Anyway. I'm just hoping I will feel better now. And that I will be able to read and such soon. I miss it. Anyway. I did blog a bit this week :) I took part in the blog tour for Moon Chosen :D This week I'm waiting on Traitor to the Throne. <3 I posted about my Five Years of blogging :) And my newest Book Collection is books by Leigh Bardugo, part one. <3 Eee. I also did get some gorgeous mail this week. And I love it all :D Eee. I also bought myself the iPhone 7 this week, and it arrived one and a half day after I ordered it, eeee. Super fast delivery :D I'm a bit pissed that I lost my games.. sobs. I had gotten so far. But I just love my new iPhone even so. I had an iPhone 5S before :) Anyway. I love it so much. Eee. And I did get some stunning books this week too. Happy about it all. <3

The Lunar Chronicles Coloring Book. International. Ends 11/10.
Finished copy of Moon Chosen.
US. Ends 11/15.

Moana. Eee, art of book :D This is so cute. And I simply cannot wait to watch this movie. I will love it.
Crooked Kingdom. Yay for international paperback editions :) They are so cute. And big. Must read soon.
Gemina. International paperback with this too :D Illuminae did not have one. It is oh so pretty. I love it.
Journey's End. This one looks so cute. And I adore Rachel, though I haven't read any of her books yet.
Frozen Fever. This one was just adorable. I had to buy it, lol. I adored this Frozen short movie clip. Cute.
A Study in Scarlet Women. Eee, I must read this book soonish :D So excited about it. I adore Sherry. <3
iPhone 7. EEE! I finally bought this one :D 128gb. So big. So pink. So gorgeous. I'm simply in love with it.
Chucky Pop. I couldn't help but pre-order this one ages ago. He is sort of cute, haha :D Scary looking.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. I hope you feel better soon! And it's a shame you lost your games, but at least you have a fancy new phone now :D

  2. I'm so sorry you're still having a tough go at it, C. I know being in constant pain is the absolute worst so I hope you'll find some comfort soon.

    Happy reading, regardless. <3

  3. Awww, Carina, I'm sorry to hear that you've been worse! I was hoping that you would have a better week this week. :/ Hopefully the infection goes away and you can get the medicine you need!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. I'm sad to hear you're feeling so bad, sweeties. I hope you are doing better soon. ♥
    You kitty looks so cute perched on the tree a princess on a pedestal! :D
    I just finished Journey's End and I really enjoyed it! I love Rachel Hawkins' work! I think I've read them all except the sequels to Rebel Belle. Her stories are always so fun!


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