
Saturday, October 1, 2016

In My Mailbox #257

I have not been feeling well this week at all. Gah. I'm sick and my nose hurts my ears hurt my throat hurts my body hurts. And I'm tired all the time. Ugh. Plus I found out that I'm allergic to my cat. Damn it. Not much, I don't think, but it was positive. Hmph. So yeah. Not feeling so good. I'm almost done reading my second book of the week, so I'm sort of happy about that :) And I am thrilled that all the books I wanted showed up on Edelweiss, finally :D Eee! I really need them all as print ARCs too, though. Sobs. Oh, well. At least now I will get to read them already :D So excited. Just hoping to feel better too. Hmph. I'm almost done reading The Wish Granter, so my review will be up later today. Eee. It's so good. I blogged a bit this week. I posted about The Lunar Chronicles: Coloring Book. <3 I posted my review of Glitter; which was so so bad. This week I'm waiting on The Valiant :D Newest Book Collection is books by Melina Marchetta. <3 Despite not feeling good, I'm very happy this week. I got so so so many amazing books :D Ahh! And my reading list is just awesome at the moment. I know what I will read next and many after that too. Yay.

The Grisha Trilogy Box Set. These books are just the best. And this paperback box set is so stunning.
Crooked Kingdom. Ahhh. I'm not ready for this one yet :D But sooon. Waiting on more copies too. <3
Going Wild. I must read this one very soon :D Just so excited to read it. It's so pretty and sounds fun.
Wolf By Wolf. I adore this book. The most. And I have to have all the copies, lol. US pbk is so gorgeous.
Menagerie. I loved this book so much. And I had to have the new US paperback cover for it. So so pretty.
Bitterblue + Three Dark Crowns. Ah! Perfect ARC trades :D These UK ones are gorgeous. Thank you. <3
Three Dark Crowns. Three finished copies :D Eee. I almost have them all now. Gosh. I love this book.
Starflight. Eee! Thank you for the trade Gabi :D I love this book. And so so happy with this trade. <3
The Vanishing Throne. Ahh! Thank you so much for sending this to me Sarah :D I'm so so happy with it.
Moana. Eee. My books are starting to arrive, haha :D I'm getting many more. Cannot wait for this movie.
Plushes. There was a sale. And I couldn't help but buy more TY plushes. They are just SO cute :D Love.
Movies. Just some movies on sale that I had to get :) Plus Miraculous Ladybug; which I love oh so much.
Swag. Nevernight bookmark was a trade :D Eee. Angel bookmark was trade gift; so pretty. And the pretty Metaltown swag was a pre-order win, I think :D It is so pretty. Eee. Thank you all so, so much. <3 I love it.

The Wish Granter. Reading this one right now :D And I am loving it so much. Eee. It's simply perfect.
The Thickety: The Last Spell. Ahhh. I had wanted to read this first, but will re-read book 1-3 first :D Eee.
Hunted. Eee, I cannot wait to read this book soonish :D It looks so amazing. I'm just super excited for it.
100 Hours. Super excited about this one. Yet ending confused me a little, haha. But I think I will love it.
Spindle Fire. I couldn't help but get this one. It sounds aaamazing. And gorgeous. I really hope to love it.
The Ship Beyond Time. I just got an ARC of book one, and now I have them both to read. But nervous.
Allegedly. I'm a bit unsure about this one, yet I have wanted it for ages now. I'm hoping that I will love it.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Awesome haul. I'm excited to read those Harper Teen E-ARC's. I hope you love all of them.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I got a copy of Hunted, too! I love Beauty and the Beast and it sounds like a wonderful re-telling. Hope we both love it, Carina! Enjoy your books! :)

  3. I'm still waiting for my only copy from Crooked Kingdom to arrive, haha. Can't wait to read it, but first, re-read of Six of Crows! I'm currently reading Three Dark Crowns and I'm loving it. I like that there are so many different cover editions.

    I also got Hunted, Spindle fire and The wish granter :D

  4. Oh, those covers of Three Dark Crows are lovely! You're so good at collecting different editions!

    Great haul, hun!

  5. Gosh, so many Crooked Kingdom copies! I'm still waiting on my preorder. I totally want the Grisha boxed set, but I have the individual books already. :o Still, the boxed set is so pretty... anyway. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


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