
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Five Years of Blogging + Giveaway

I feel awful. I forgot my own blog birthday. My blog turned five on October 11th. Ahh. And I totally forgot about it until a couple of days ago. Which makes me feel so sad. Because I never thought I could forget about it. Hmph. I have never taken a blogging break. And I love blogging so much :D It's the best thing. I often have reading slumps, yeah, but I never stop blogging :) These five years have been amazing. And I have loved getting to know so many amazing people. You are all the bestest. All the hugs. <3 Thank you guys for commenting on my posts and such :) It means the world to me. I forgot about my blog birthday because this month I have been so sick, and I'm so behind on everything. Ugh. I shall not forget again :D Anyway. So happy to have been blogging for five years. Such awesome years too :) I started my blog on October 11th 2011. Back then my reviews were not pretty, haha. I have gotten loads better since then :D

Today I'm giving away a pre-order of The Lunar Chronicles Coloring Book. Eee! I am SO excited about this one :D And getting at least two copies for myself, lol. One person will win a pre-order of this one. You should all enter. Because, gosh, this book is going to be amazing. These books by Marissa are the best.

Will be one winner.
Must reply within 48 hours.


  1. I have only recently discovered your blog so I didn't quite read all your posts or leave much comments but I enjoy visiting here. I can't believe you have not taken a blogging break all this time. I'm quite impress with your book collections, why do you put them all?

    congrats on 5 years. have a lovely day.

  2. Happy 5 years of Blogging! and Thank you so much for the giveaway :) I discovered your blog not long ago and I love it! For many years more :)

  3. Aww, don't feel bad about forgetting, Carina. I think I've forgotten about my blog birthday for the past few years, and I don't even have the excuse of being sick. I am so happy to have found your blog and I am so impressed with your consistent blogging schedule, never taking a break. Here's to many more years of blogging to come!

  4. My favorite Marissa Meyer book is cinder because I've always loved cinderella retellings. Thanks for the giveaway and congratulations on five years :)

  5. Huge congrats on 5 year of blogging, that's a super long time!! Thanks for the giveaway ^_^

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so grateful for your presence in this blogging community. <3 Here's to many more years to come!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  7. Congrats on your 5 year blog birthday, sweetie!! I've loved coming to visit your blog and getting to know you, Carina! You do such a great job shouting out about so many great books! The blogging community and authors are lucky to have you! ♥

  8. 5 years!! That's a very important milestone!! Congrats, Carina!! :)

  9. Wooow congrats!! I've only just discovered your blog but I like it already! And thank you for the give away ❤️

  10. Congratulations, C! You're amazing and totally forgiven for forgetting your anniversary. Lol.

    More power to you!

  11. I am currently listening to Winter on audiobook. That is actually how I've "read" all of the Lunar Chronicles, and they are FANTASTIC! The reader, Rebecca Soler, does an AMAZING (can't stress that enough) job with the voices, and you get sucked right into this beautiful tale. I am in love with this series, and finally understand when people say they hate a fictional character, because Levana can go die in a fire immediately.

    Thanks for the chance to win, and HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY!

  12. Thank you for the giveaway! I'm so excited for this colouring book because The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favourite series and I LOVE the art. My favourite book by her would probably be Cinder because Kaaiiiiiiii <3!


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