
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Book Recommendation: The Thickety: Well of Witches by J. A. White

Sigh. This book is amazing. And I'm so thrilled about having re-read it, finally. It's already been over a year since I first read this book. Ack. I didn't know I had forgotten so many details. Hmph. And I'm so happy about having re-read it and now knowing all the things again. I have had so much fun re-reading the first three books in this amazing series. And I'm starting book four, the final one, next, which I'm just the most excited about. I might have peeked a little. And I might be all kinds of happy and nervous. Eee.

There is so much I love about this stunning book. And I'm not going to mention most of it, haha. It is just such a stunning one. And I loved reading everything about it. Sigh. Reading more about Kara's journey is the best thing. I love this girl so much. I love that her brother is with her always. They are both amazing. I love how they are meeting new people all the time. I liked getting to know most of them. And gosh. There are so many creatures in this book. Some awful ones. But everyone were really interesting to read about.

The writing in this third book is just as amazing as in the first two books. Sigh. It is such a fast read. And I never wanted it to end. Hmph. Well of Witches is full of adventure. There is so much happening in this book. And I was so excited about all of it. Reading about it for the second time was so much fun too. I'm not sure what else to mention. I'm not going to say much more. Just. This book is all kinds of stunning. And I love it oh so much. The plot is exciting and different and just all kinds of perfect. Loved reading it all.

There is a little bit more of Lucas in this book, finally. Eee. And oh gosh, I love this boy. I love how he and Kara still have such an amazing friendship, despite not having seen each other for many weeks. I love how it seems they are starting to have more feelings for each other too. It is just the cutest. Though the ending of this book worried me a bit, again. I still have hope, though. These two are just too cute and they need to be together, lol. But yeah. Lucas is such an interesting character and I adore him. He is the best.

I'm just so thrilled with this third book. It's so exciting and heartbreaking and so so surprising too. I loved re-reading every moment of it. Reading about Kara and Taff is just the best. I love the close bond they have. They are the best siblings. I love Kara the most, as she's so fierce and brave and just all kinds of amazing. But Taff is all of that too. He is younger. Yet he is so smart. He gets hurt a bit more than Kara does, but he is still so brave and so sweet even so. I adore reading about this young boy. He's awesome.

Just so you know, you are really going to regret not reading these books if you still haven't started them. Yes, they are middle grade. But that does not mean you should not read and love them. Hmph. Because everyone would love these books. I'm sure of it. The writing is beyond amazing. The characters are more amazing than just about anyone. The story is creepy and heartbreaking and fun and also just all kinds of awesome. These books are for everyone. And you need to read them right away. I mean it. Read now.


  1. I always love reading your recommendations even though some of them are not in the genres I typically like. I still like seeing your passion and enthusiasm over your favourite authors and books!


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