
Saturday, September 3, 2016

In My Mailbox #253

This have been a busy week. Ack. My health has been the worst it has ever been in a long time. Sigh. Yet I have gotten so much done this week. So yay. This post is a bit late today, as I wrote it yesterday, and today I had a tour post, and today I'm currently on an awesome road trip, so not home yet. But post has always been going up on my Saturday; and not changing that, haha :) Anyway. This week I got so much mail. Oh. Many pre-orders. Heh. And a few gorgeous book trades. <3 Eee. Thank you Kristen :D I have also gotten to read a little bit, which is awesome. But only read meh books.. sobs. I have also commented so so much. Finally. Now only a couple of days behind, and I'm good with that. Yay. This week I also blogged a bunch. I took part in the blog tour for Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom :) I shared the very gorgeous cover for The Thickety: The Last Spell. <3 I posted my review of Metaltown. Sobs. This week I'm waiting on Wintersong :D My newest Book Collection post is books by Victoria Schwab :D Eee. And then I posted my review of Yesternight. Sniffs. And I'm taking part in the blog tour for The Possibility of Somewhere :) Anyway. Overall this was a good week, despite my health being the worst. Ugh. Oh, well :)

Nevernight. Eee! Red edition finally mine :D But aw, #236 of #250. Oh, well :D It is beyond gorgeous.
A Torch Against the Night. I have heard some things that bother me about this. Sobs. Might read one day.
Furthermore. I am unsure about this one. Yet I really hope I will love it :D Because, gorgeous looking.
Blood For Blood. Eee. UK edition was able to get two books ago. Gosh. Not out for another month, two months in the US. I loved this heartbreaking book. And this finished copy is all kinds of gorgeous. Love.
The Bronze Key. I adore this middle grade series. And I simply cannot wait to read this third book :D
The Girl Who Drank the Moon + The Witch's Boy + My Lady Jane. Eee! Thank you so, so much for trading with me Kristen. <3 You are the sweetest person :D I adored all of these books. SO happy :D
My Lady Jane. Hah, this UK edition of this gorgeous book looks so awesome. Weird yet pretty cover.
The Girl at Midnight. Eee, thank you for trading with me Steph :) This ARC version is so pretty. Love it.
The Scourge. I think this book seems so awesome, and I just cannot wait to read it soonish. So pretty.
Frozen. I love buying these cute books, hih. It's just so adorable. And this one is so sweet. I love Frozen.
Northern Lights. Second part of this gorgeous graphic novel :D Eee. I adore these books. Beyond words.
Wonder Woman. This was a bit on sale, and I couldn't resist buying her. She's so cute. And so huge. Ack.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. That cover of My Lady Jane is SO funny. I thought it was a cute joke when I first saw it! It's such a cute, silly cover. :D I'm curious about your reaction to A Torch Against the Night, if you ever read the book... I know you've read my review so now you're prepared, eh? I wish I had waited to possibly binge-read the quartet. Oh well! I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Have a wonderful weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. I like the second copy of My Lady Jane. Think it's really funny. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ books of Love

  3. Such gorgeous things this week, Carina! I'm finally getting around to listening to Girl at Midnight on audio and I'm really liking it so far. I love the UK funny and fits the story perfectly!

  4. The UK cover for My Lady Jane is hilarious! Now I'm tempted to get it myself too!
    And YAY for red stained Nevernight! I also got my copy this week!

  5. I really need to read Blood for Blood. I've been reading great things.

    Have a great week, Carina.

  6. So many books with such beautiful covers! I hope you have fun reading them!


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