
Thursday, September 22, 2016


Today I just had to share a few autumn pictures that I took of my gorgeous cat. She is now more than three and a half years old. She's a Silver Shaded Persian girl. Named Anastasia, though I never use any name for her, lol. I share a bunch of pictures of her on my Instagram, as she is just the cutest thing. Sigh. I adore my girl the most. She isn't very cuddly, though. Aw. But she isn't mean, so forced cuddling still happens, haha :D Anyway. A few days ago I took her outside to take some autumn photos, as the trees are now starting to get bare already. Sobs. But yeah. I managed to take a whole bunch of pictures of her, eee. So sharing some of them here :D Do you have a cat or any other animals? Is it fall yet for you? :)


  1. Your cat is absolutely gorgeous Carina! I wish it was looking more like Autumn over here, the weather changes from one extreme to the other every day!

  2. Aw, she's such a sweet kitty. I have two dogs Daphne, an australian shepherd, and Tucker, a mini australian shepherd. :) Nooo it's sadly not Fall here yet---no pretty leaves and it's still 90 degrees outside. :( I can't wait, though. Fall is my favorite season.


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