
Saturday, August 27, 2016

In My Mailbox #252

Time has been moving so fast this year. Feels like it is almost Christmas already. Gosh. I have so not read as much as I wanted to this year. Sad face. But hoping to read more these next few months :) Fingers crossed. I have just had a difficult year. Sigh. Being so sick all the time. Ugh. But yeah. I did read a little bit this week, and starting Metaltown later today :D I'm excited. I had a good week; despite not feeling the best. And I got some amazing mail too :D Some gorgeous trade books. <3 Ahh. I am in love. Also blogged a bit too :) I posted my review of The Possibility of Somewhere. Ugh. This week I'm waiting on The Burning World :D Then I read The Little Prince :) Which was a bit meh. I then read The Return of the Young Prince, which was awful. Ugh. My newest Book Collection is books by Michelle Hodkin :D Eee. Anyway. I got some gorgeous mail. I had a good week. Still obsessed with Pokemon Go, haha :D Sister and I have started watching The Fall, which only has a few episodes. It's pretty amazing and awful. Gah.

Vassa in the Night + Nemesis. Thank you so much Tracy for trading with me :D SO happy about these.
Going Wild + This Savage Song. Thank you so much Emily for trading with me :D Ahhh! I am so thrilled.
Zootopia. This tin box thingy is all kinds of gorgeous. I own many from other movies too, hih :) So cute.
Heartfire. Ahh. I loved book 1. Have yet to read book 2. And now book three is out :D I shall read soon.
The Bronze Key. Eee :D UK edition arrived a week before US publication. <3 So excited to read this one.
Hermione Pop. Ahh :D It was finally a bit on sale, so I got to buy this train :D Now just need the other two.

Happy Hello Bookmarks. I simply love buying bookmarks from this amazing woman. She is the best :D Ahh. I own so many, haha. I shall share my collection soonish :) They are all on my wall. Love. Still missing some. Anyway. I adore Criminal Minds :D And Harry Potter. <3 I'm never ever reading any books by Sarah, though.. but I couldn't help but buy this bookmark. Because it is gorgeous. Love :D

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. There is still plenty of time in the year left! But I agree, time has been moving so quickly. Those are some great trades there! I liked Vassa in the Night a lot. I hope you enjoy all of your new books, Carina!

    Have a lovely weekend. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  2. My reading year has freaking been bad. I second that we still have time. I'm so exited to read vassa in the night. Happy reading, Carina!

  3. Those Happy Hello bookmarks are sooo cute!!
    I hope the rest of the year will be better for you in both health and reading time, Carina!

  4. You always have the best books! I hope you'll enjoy these and I totally agree with you that time has been going by so fast - too fast for my liking. I can't believe the kids will be back to school soon! Happy reading. :)

  5. Ahh I can't wait to read Vassa in the Night - looking forward to hearing what you think of it! Otherwise hope you manage to squeeze some more reading time in this year :)

  6. Yay, you got a lot of great stuff! I really enjoyed Nemesis so I hope you do too ^_^

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles


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