
Monday, July 25, 2016

The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani

I will never grow tired of reading this book. Sigh. I just cannot get over how amazing it is. How much I love it. This is my third time reading this one, and I think I fall in love with it more and more each time I read it. Which is just the best feeling. Eee. But I also get more heartbroken each time too, lol. Which is truly the meanest. Hmph. I'm so glad I decided to re-read the trilogy before reading the handbook. Because I really needed this. I love this book so much. You know, despite all that evil heartbreak, lol. It's the best.

I don't know what I wish to say about this book this time around. I just cannot truly believe how amazing it is. Soman is all kinds of amazing for writing these books. Sigh. Okay. The characters. I adored reading about them all. But my favorite is, of course, Agatha. I love her beyond words. She is the kindest person. But gah. She has been alone and without anyone for so long. Then she gets to this school, and everyone is treating her badly, and I just. I need my Agatha to be happy and loved. I need it oh so much. Sniffs.

While reading this book for the third time, I have truly realized that I might actually hate Sophie. I just can't help it. She is so evil in this book. I get why Agatha wanted to be friends with her. But at the same time, I did not. Because Sophie was mean towards everyone. She was especially mean towards Agatha at all times. I felt like she was using her the whole time, and I did not like it one bit. Hmph. I do like reading about Sophie. As a villain. She does not make a good friend at all, sadly. Agatha deserves much more.

It had taken her whole life to make a single friend. And here these girls had become best friends 
in minutes as if making friends was the simplest thing in the world. Agatha prickled with shame. 
In this School for Good, where everyone was supposed to be kind and loving, she had still 
ended up alone and despised. She was a villain, no matter where she went.

I'm not going to mention all the other characters. But yeah. They are all amazing. Like Kiko and Dot and Hester and just all of them. I very much adored Tedros. Though he was also a lot of stupid in this book, lol. But I get him. Sort of. Either way, he is all kinds of cute, and he can he pretty sweet too, and I ship him and Agatha oh so much. Sigh. I did not like it when he was with Sophie. Hmph. Because she tricked him. So many times. And I was not okay with all of that. So mean. But also kind of interesting to read about.

There is just so much in this book. There is so much magic. And I loved it all so much. There are so many amazing characters. Even the teachers. I adored some of them so much. There is a school for good and one for evil. They are both so much fun to read about. And I never get tired of reading this book. All the fights still made me nervous, despite knowing the ending. This book just makes me so happy. And sad. But I don't mind. Because The School for Good and Evil is all kinds of precious to me. So much love.

I'm just so happy with how much I love this book. Eee. I mean, it also makes me the saddest, but I'm dealing with that. Though I am nervous about re-reading book three. When I read it almost a year ago, it killed me. And it is still killing me to think about it. Ahh. But it is also the most perfect book, and so I cannot wait to read it again. Just so worried about my heart. Gah. I'm so excited about re-reading the next two books. Then the handbook. And movie next year. And a fourth sequel book too. Eee. Excited.

If you still haven't read this precious book, then I do not know what you are waiting for. It is one of the best books I know of. The writing is perfection. The story is incredible. And all the characters are amazing to read about. This book has everything. It is said to be a middle grade. Which it is. But I also feel that it is much older than that, because so many bad things happen, lol. And the characters are older. And in love. And gosh. This book is just the most stunning thing. The whole series is. I could not have loved it more.


  1. This series sounds amazing! I have not read it yet- but I have been curious about it for ages. After reading all the great things you had to say I can't wait to start reading them. Hopefully before too long! :)

  2. I wish my boy is a fan of fiction books. This would've been such a great series for him to get into.

  3. You know, something about this series keeps drawing me to it. It doesn't look like my usual read, but I just keep coming back to it. So glad to see that you love it.

    I do have a question though. Would you say it's more middle grade than YA? I'm not sure what to expect. It sounds like it's geared towards a younger audience (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).

    1. You really, really must read these books :) As I say at the end of my review, I feel like this book is for older readers. It isn't a childish series :) It is simply perfect.


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