
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Preview Review: The Voyage to Magical North by Claire Fayers

I'm feeling pretty glad that I read this book. Despite it only being a three star for me. Because it was fun and full of adventure. I liked the writing a lot and I did adore the characters. Liked it lots. Just sharing a short preview review now, as I'm taking part in the official blog tour on July 27th, so I'm posting my full review then.

I heard about this book about two weeks before it published. And I had to pre-order it right away. Because that cover is all kinds of awesome. And I adore amazing middle grade stories. I feel a little bit sad that I didn't love this book, but I'm still happy with how I feel about it. Just a three star, yes, but a very strong one.

I found the writing to be pretty good and I liked the story a lot. The adventure was fun to read about, and I liked getting to know Brine and Peter. I just had some issues with the first third of the book. I didn't connect with it, and I didn't like how Peter was treated for a while. Sigh. But then it got so much better and I read through the last part so fast. I liked the ending a whole bunch and I'm so excited there will be a second book. Eee. It shall be so exciting, I think, and I just cannot wait to read it. Just wish it was out now, and not next May, lol. I'm impatient. Cannot wait to read more about Brine and Peter. This is a middle grade book full of magic and fantasy. It was fun to read, and I'm so happy I read it. I think you should all read this book.


  1. Aw . Sorry it wasn't as good as you'd hoped. Oh, well.

  2. This one really sounds like fun, but I do know what you mean about a book being hard to get into at the beginning (this is me and the first 40 pages of Nevernight lol). I am glad that you still mostly enjoyed it by the end!


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