
Saturday, July 30, 2016

In My Mailbox #248

I'm a bit behind on things these days. Ack. About two weeks behind on commenting. Behind on checking other things too. I just. I'm feeling pretty crappy lately. But also busy re-reading some stunning books. <3 And busy pokemon hunting. Which I have been playing for two weeks now, heh. Pokemon GO is just awesome :) And also busy with my spa bath, which I use 2+ hours on each day. And then I'm just feeling so dead when I'm finally ready to to things, late at night. And so I'm so behind. And gah. But next week. Next week I will catch up. I hope :) Getting more medicine on Tuesday, so hopefully feeling better then. Sigh. Fingers crossed. I did blog a bit this week :D And I did read 2 books, though I have less than 100 pages in book three, so 3 books read this week. YAY :D Though all were re-reads, lol. But I have loved re-reading this series. Sigh. Happy. Anyway. Blog posts. I posted my third review of The School for Good and Evil. <3 This week I'm waiting on Starfall :D I took part in the blog tour for The Voyage to Magical North :) I posted my third review of A World Without Princes. <3 And newest Book Collection post is books by MarcyKate Connolly :D I had a good week, despite feeling like crap. And I got some awesome things in the mail too. All my signed pre-orders have arrived :D Eee. So much love. What did you get?

Frozen. I can't help it. Still buying a few gorgeous Frozen books, lol. This one just seemed so cute :)
My Lady Jane. From Books of Wonder :D Eee, signed by all three lovely authors. <3 Lovely swag too.
This Savage Song. From Books of Wonder :D Signed to me! Swag! Ahh. I love it lots. So happy with it.
The Ever Never Handbook. From Books of Wonder :D Signed! Precious! I love it oh so much. Thank you.
Shades of Earth + A World Without You. Eee :D Signed via Malaprops. Thank you Beth. <3 I love them.
Lyra's Oxford. I adore this short story so much. When I saw this audio book version, I just had to buy it.
Pets Plush. This cat is oh so cute. A gift from my sister. I want to own all of them, hah. Loved this movie.
Ariel and Castiel. Two more gorgeous Pop keychains :D I don't use them as that, lol. But yeah. So cute.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. Nice haul! I'm looking forward to reading My Lady Jane! I've heard great things about it! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  2. I have days like that, too. I've been trying to make sure I'm current with everything, but I've been so lazy these days. I hope you'll enjoy your books, anyway.

  3. Ahhhh, your Books of Wonder books are so great. One day, I'm going to go to that store. :D I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week, Carina. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  4. Awesome haul of books. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. Signed books are always awesome!!

    I hope you'll be feeling better after getting your medicine!


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