
Saturday, July 9, 2016

In My Mailbox #245

I'm still not feeling good at all. Which just really sucks. Ugh. And I am two weeks behind on commenting. And ahhh. I hope to comment a bit tomorrow. Right now I'm currently re-reading The Girl at Midnight. <3 But still have two hundred pages left. It has taken me days :( Just don't have the energy to read. Or the time. I'm just so tired and hurting all the goddamn time. Gah. I'm so tired of it. Sad face. But yeah. Today I'm going to finish re-reading the book, hopefully. The week was sort of good even so. I got so much awesome mail :D Eee! I love all of it. And I saw Independence Day 2 at the cinema yesterday, which I liked a lot. My sister did not, lol. And today I saw the newest Ice Age :D And eee. It was so awesome. Newest blog posts. I posted my review of The Girl With all the Gifts :) This week I'm waiting on Serafina and the Twisted Staff. <3 I took part in the And I Darken Blog Tour :D Eee! Finally posted my review of it, lol :) My newest Book Collection post is books by Maggie Stiefvater, part 3. <3 Final part :) I'm a bit upset, because this week I got the new version of Instagram. And I hate it so goddamn much. I need all my pictures in the right order. Ugh. So annoyed. They need to make it so that you can choose if you want it this way or not. Hmph. Anyway. I'm hoping to feel better. And to get more things done. Fingers crossed :)

The Voyage to Magical North. This book seems pretty amazing :D And I simply cannot wait to read it.
Landline + Sinner. Eee, thank you so much for trading with me CJ :D You are awesome. <3 Love these.
My True Love Gave to Me. YAY! Thank you so much Beth :D So glad I won this. <3 Signed precious.
Plushes. This owl can be heated. And it is so gorgeous. Love. And dog from Pets movie :D Seeing soon.
Dragons. Another of the How to Train Your Dragon books :D I just love buying these comics. So pretty.
Frozen. And this Frozen books. I have all in this series so far. I haven't read them, heh, but they are cute.
Deadpool. I have yet to see this one. Ack. But now it is finally out :) And I'm excited to watch it soonish.
Allegiant. I.. have still only seen movie one. Ugh. Just disappointed, haha. Watching it one day, even so.
Pop Figures. Eee. More pops :D Final in Harry Potter. <3 And final Hunger Games pop too :) Love all.
Claire Legrand Books. Oh gosh. I am SO glad that I bought all of these signed precious books from McNally Jackson books :D Eee. I LOVE Claire Legrand. <3 And I love her books so much. Sniffs. Love.

Signed My True Love Gave to Me, + gorgeous Beth Revis swag. Love it all oh so much. So happy.
The Scourge Swag. I love this swag very much :D It looks so pretty. And I love the sneak peek too.

More Instagram photos here. <3


  1. The Voyage to Magical North is soooooooo pretty, and sounds so good! I can't wait to dive into it, myself! Also, your collection of swag/signed books is awesome-sauce!

    Enjoy your recent acquisitions, and happy book-ing to you! Here's my Stacking the Shelves, if you're interested--but no worries if you're not! Have a great week-to-come!

  2. Sorry you're not feeling good, Carina. Oh, I was just looking at Girl of Midnight to get on audio from my library---since you're rereading it, I assume you recommend it? LOL You got so many great things! What an amazing set of Claire Legrand books--I can't wait to read Foxheart!

  3. Signed books are the most awesome ones!
    I do hope you'll start feeling better soon sweetie!

  4. That picture from Insta looks so cool, what are the pink things?

    Hope you feel better soon, Carina. <3

  5. I'm with you on the commenting! I'm almost done with catching up on two weeks worth of comments! It's a lot, but sometimes you just have to be in the right mindset to do it!

    All of your books and goodies look so pretty! You know, I still haven't read any of Claire's books yet.

    I hope you feel better this week Carina!!

  6. Looove all your signed books!

  7. *hugs* I hope you have a better week this week, Carina. I'm very happy to see more books for your Legrand collection! I hope you enjoy everything. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)